Kitchens really are home central — it is where everyone congregates and all the action is. It’s no surprise that kitchens (and baths) tend to be the most expensive spots in the house with all the cabinets, appliances and cool plumbing fixtures, but … read more
Most gardeners view the same kinds of colors in their garden year after year. You’ll see the bright shades of green as well as hints of red, yellow and even orange. It’s time to think outside the green box and spice up your … read more
When smart-home technologies first emerged, their purpose was largely for convenience, and operating the devices was often clunky. Today, smart devices seamlessly integrate into connected home systems to make living more efficient, improve home security and even offer advantages for your health. If … read more
Whether I’m getting dressed up for a party or wanting to add a little fun to my winter wardrobe, I’m loving the pom-pom sweaters that are filling the stores right now. I love any little detail that can take a sweater from an … read more
While trends in home decor often change, there is one constant design feature that continues to shine, literally: metals. Today, you can find creative ways to incorporate a regal touch that produces a timeless look with modern appeal. Take the Temperature A first … read more
It’s that time in early January when the rain soaked days are dark, Christmas lights are being removed and stored for another year, and as the doldrums of winter are descending, the mind wanders. With the flurry of holiday parties and gifting behind … read more
When installing tile, there’s the eternal question: Should you go for porcelain or ceramic tile? The answer will ultimately depend on your budget and what your list of pros and cons looks like. And let’s not forget the important question of style — … read more
If you’re used to buying corded window coverings, you’ll need to rethink your style — due to a new safety standard that went into effect Dec. 15, 2018, a vast majority of window covering products sold in the United States will be cordless … read more
Did you know that beavers act as engineers in our local Kitsap ecosystems to alter entire habitats? Or that simple barrels filled with the right materials can help keep our local salmon populations healthier? Join WSU Kitsap Extension’s annual Stream Stewards course this … read more