Have you ever looked at a piece of artwork and thought, “I’m not artistic,” or, “I could never do that”? According to an article, only 25 percent of people feel that they’re living up to their creative potential. That means that 75 … read more
Gardening With Peg
In the West Sound growing climate, gardeners can often plant seeds and starts in July through September for late fall, winter and sometimes even early spring harvest. The most important thing to remember is soil temperatures and how much water is needed. Many … read more
Great summer weather equals great vine-ripened tomatoes, and this summer is the poster child for both. Even if you aren’t growing your own tomatoes, you can find beautiful, local and delicious tomatoes ready to eat now at your local farmers market and store. … read more
I love “Aha!” moments. I recently had one regarding the mysteries of garlic in storage. I had noticed that some years, my garlic stored without any trouble, lasting well into the summer, while other times many of the cloves shriveled up and were … read more
Bremerton is a city of surprises. Here are a few things about its history that you may not know. Oldtimers see Bremerton as a quiet but somewhat roughneck old city, pulling up its tattered bootstraps. Newcomers seem to see a newer, kitschy version. … read more
If you have a vegetable garden, you probably want all your produce to be used well. But there is a limit to how much produce one household can consume. Puget Sound gardeners get an average of 10 pounds of tomatoes from each plant … read more
If you have bookcases on each side of your fireplace and the shelves are deeper than the normal 10 to 12 inches, don’t push the books all the way back against the wall. In fact, you should do exactly the opposite. Line up … read more
The Rest of the Story
“Have you seen Jim Valley’s garden? You really need to see his garden.” This wasn’t the first time I’d heard Jim Valley’s name. I was standing at a party in Seattle, in a gathering of people who’d just seen “Her Aim is True,” … read more
Perhaps John Muir, the great American environmentalist, said it best: “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” You probably know that exercise in general is good for us and that we are lucky enough to live in the … read more