WSMAG.NET Blog » Around West Sound

Find ideas for things to do around West Sound, new places to visit, community events, family activities and other fun things.


(Drone Photo courtesy Visit Gig Harbor)

Summer Concerts and Outdoor Movies Return to Gig Harbor

A longtime summer tradition, Summer Sounds at Skansie, is back to downtown Gig Harbor while an outdoor movies program has some exciting changes. Summer Sounds at Skansie, Gig Harbor’s beloved summer concert series, takes on the waterfront at Skansie Brothers Park, in the … read more


kids learning

Three Fun, Easy Ways to Keep Kids Learning During Summer

With school out, summertime brings long, carefree days of play and fun. It can be easy to forget how much children learn through play, but they have a natural sense of curiosity. With a little thought and a few supplies, summer is a … read more



Ready to Travel? Here Are the Popular Hotel Amenities for 2022

If you haven’t planned a trip in a while, you aren’t alone. Many Americans haven’t taken a proper vacation in almost three years. In that time, many travelers’ preferences have changed. “The pandemic impacted nearly every aspect of our lives, including how we … read more


empty bowls event

Empty Bowls on March 5 to Raise Funds for Local Kids

“Because no child should go hungry,” Altrusa of Gig Harbor is working hard to make sure the children of this area don’t. In collaboration with about 20 local pottery artists, the Altrusa Empty Bowls committee is holding its annual fundraiser on March 5 … read more


Great Peninsula Conservancy

Volunteers Needed to Plant 5,000 Trees at Belfair Wildlife Preserve

The Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) is seeking 200 volunteers to plant 5,000 native trees in Belfair through the end of January. GPC, the nonprofit land trust operating in Kitsap, north Mason and west Pierce counties, is restoring a native, climate-resilient plant community in … read more


Robin and Ann Weiss, Knowles Studio, are demonstrating their work during a previous year's Art in The Woods.

Art in the Woods Nov. 12-14 Opens 18 Artist Studios to the Public

Art in the Woods, a unique, self-guided art studio tour, is an annual event by the Cultural Arts Foundation NW that takes place on the second weekend of November. Scheduled for Nov. 12-14 this year, the tour will include 18 North Kitsap working … read more


Orca Pod

Volunteers Wanted to Help Endangered Orcas and Salmon Recover

Kitsap County Parks, the Kitsap Conservation District and partner organizations will host eight COVID-safe events as part of Orca Recovery Day, aimed at improving conditions for critically endangered southern resident orca whales and their main food source, salmon. Volunteers are invited to participate in … read more


Farm Tour and Fiber Arts Fest

Fiber Arts Show and Key Peninsula Farm Tour Return on Oct. 2

For 15 years, “Fiber Arts: Threads Through Time” has been a focal event of the Key Peninsula Farm Tour. This free, family-friendly event returns to the Longbranch Improvement Club (LIC), located at 4312 Key Pen Hwy SW in Longbranch, on Saturday, Oct. 2, … read more


Heronswood Gardens

Heronswood Garden Reopens, Expands Garden Open Schedule for 2021

Heronswood, the iconic botanical garden in Kingston, reopened gates to visitors on April 1. The garden, owned by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe (PGST) and managed by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Foundation, is also expanding its 2021 open days. Heronswood will be open … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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