The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.



Longstanding Tradition of Charitable Giving Sustains the Local Communities

Our nation is facing many challenges and our collective dialogue to discussing these issues is, at times, divisive. But, statistics show that as a culture, we share a strong core value of charitable giving. As a nation, we privately donate twice as much … read more



Which Plants to Grow in Conservatory, Home, or Office

Being close to nature has many benefits but many of us cannot reap its benefits in cities due to lack of trees and plants and excessive buildings. Several studies around the world have shown the positive effects of greenery on our well-being. Did … read more


Home Office

Carving Out Space for a Home Office

Have you always wanted a workspace at home to retreat to or tinker in? Or perhaps you paint, sew or craft, or maybe want a space for meditation and exercise? Don’t think you have the room? Let’s look around your house and see … read more


Designer Vanity

Go Upscale with a Designer Vanity

How much thought do you give to your bathroom vanity? If you’re like most of us, then the answer is, almost none at all. As long as it’s large enough to hold all your sundry items, you’re good to go, right? I’m here … read more



How to Have ‘The Talk’ with Your Adult Children

Seniors have ample options when it comes to retirement and embarking on their next life journey. Many adults do not want to burden their children with talk about retirement, but are also concerned about the financial tolls retirement may take. Many adults are … read more


Fair Trade for the Holidays

Buying Fair Trade for the Holidays

So you want to buy ethically this holiday season, but you’re not sure how? Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church has you covered. On Nov. 18 and 19, the Gig Harbor church is hosting its annual Festival of Hope, a community-wide event dedicated to selling … read more


Sweet potato fries
In the Market Now

Sweet Potatoes

Is it a sweet potato or a yam? Much confusion abounds as to whether they are the same thing or not, and what, if anything, is the difference. Unless you visit an ethnic-foods market that imports vegetables from Africa, it is doubtful that … read more


Home Theatres

Home Theatres — Is There One in Your Future?

Home theaters are a very popular request in remodels and new homes today — and rightfully so. Who wouldn’t love a room to lounge in with family and friends and watch their favorite shows and movies? The term home theater is used quite … read more


Safety Rails

Fall Prevention Tips to Keep You Independent as You Age

According to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), nearly 90 percent of seniors want to remain in their own homes as they get older. The catch phrase for this wish is “aging in place.” It is the simple concept of gracefully living … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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