The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.


Raised beds and multipurpose potting benches can add both beauty and functionality to your patio or deck.

Take It Up a Notch Out Back — Adding Appeal to your Patio or Deck

Summer means time spent gardening and relaxing with friends. And just like the kitchen in winter, the patio or deck tends to be the gathering spot when the weather turns warm. Get the most from this space with a bit of preseason planning … read more


Solar Energy

Five Myths about Solar Panels, Debunked

Home solar panels can drastically cut or even eliminate electricity bills, reduce a home’s carbon footprint, increase resale value, and may even help a home sell faster. The cost of rooftop solar systems has fallen dramatically in recent years, and most homeowners have … read more


Assisted Living

Questions to Ask When Considering Assisted Living

Sometimes, all we need to lead a more fulfilling life is an occasional helping hand. Moving to an assisted living community is an opportunity for comfort and enrichment in one’s life with an added level of assistance. What is Assisted Living? Assisted living … read more


Field ready for planting
In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 1: Fruits and Vegetables

What is the big fuss about buying organic produce and organically grown meats, as opposed to those products that are conventionally grown? Budget-conscious buyers will usually opt for the lesser-priced option, which typically, but not always, is conventionally grown. Next to price, the … read more


A Kitchen That Works
Builder/Designer Spotlight

A Kitchen That Works — Finding the ‘Sweet Spot’ Between Cost and Value

In our second video in the series featuring West Sound’s home and design professionals, WestSound Magazine takes a look at A Kitchen That Works, LLC. We met with the two people behind the company, Molly McCabe and her husband, Clive Pardy, to find … read more


off to college

How to Navigate the College Search Process with Your High School Student

Editor’s note: College search should be in high gear if your child is a senior. Since this can be quite overwhelming, WestSound Magazine asked Bhavin Parikh, CEO and founder of test-prep company Magoosh, five questions to help parents and students navigate this process. … read more


Style Trends

Style Trends in the New Year

Design experts typically say that trends should be considered sparingly so you don’t have to overhaul your decor every year. But watching the trends is great when you want to add personal touches and refresh your home now and then. According to a … read more


cheesy taco wings

Recipes for the Big Game

When hosting a game-day party, you’d think the focus would be on the score or the award-winning commercials, but it’s actually a great reason to indulge in flavor-filled bites. When the big day rolls around, let your guests obsess over the game while … read more



New Poulsbo Community Orchestra Artistic Director to Lead Bainbridge Symphony as Guest Conductor

Guest conductor Mario Alejandro Torres will lead the Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra’s lyrical and lovely winter program this February. César Franck wrote a hybrid symphony-symphonic poem when he penned his “Symphony in D minor,” his most enduring work for orchestra. The opening movement seems … read more

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