The Home
Cover Feature
Stepping into the foyer of Brian and Holly Jacobsen’s home and looking into the great room, one is struck by the amazing light flooding through the massive expanse of windows that face the water. White millwork and a well-chosen monochromatic color scheme of … read more
Design|Build 2018A
Trends in home design for 2018 run the gamut from simple and strong to stunning and dramatic. Just like in fashion trends, there are always hot new colors and styles — and it’s tempting to feel like you need to revitalize your home … read more
Cover Feature
Lisa Stirrett’s eyes light with excitement when she talks about the holiday season. “I love Christmas. I love when my boys come home,” she says. As long as she can remember, Stirrett helped her mother decorate their home. Even as a small child, … read more
An extraordinary love for Christmas was perhaps written in the stars for local Carol Burk, better known as “Christmas Carol,” as even her own December birthday happens during the Christmas season. “Christmas Carol” is also the name of her residential and business tree-decorating … read more
Design|Build 2018A
Transform Your Home with Light
Transform your home with relatively little effort. Outside lighting is not just for the holidays. If memories of your quirky aunt and her love for Christmas in July come to mind, you can forget about it. Outdoor lighting, while beautiful during the holidays, … read more
Quick two-question survey. Do you use your dining (or kitchen) table as a workspace? Do you feel just a little bit guilty about it? A large portion of people will probably have responded yes to one or both of those questions. Why the … read more
A world-traveling couple has made home their favorite...
Been there, experienced that. When it comes to seeing the world, Lin Wyncoop and Kevin Compton of Bainbridge Island have built careers on it. Decades of flying with major international airlines, combined with a love of adventure, have taken the couple to all … read more
The subject of product analysis is a slow page-turner, but mention grandma’s mixing bowls, and eyes widen. Today, mention Pyrex and eyes get even wider, as recent articles have stunned people with the announcement that old Pyrex is like gold. Yes, Pyrex has … read more
A contemporary, stucco home on the south end of Bainbridge Island delivers unexpected turns of surprise and delight far exceeding the simplicity of its exterior. A colonnade between the garage and the home frames a view of Port Orchard Passage on its way … read more