The Garden

Many interesting and delightful gardens abound in our area — how fun to glimpse into a gardener’s back yard (or even front yard). Enjoy gardens from Gig Harbor, Port Orchard, Bremerton, Central Kitsap, and the North end of Kitsap including Bainbridge Island. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

Betula nigra ‘Heritage’

The Many Faces of Bark

Now that winter is in high gear and the barren deciduous trees lost their leaves months ago, what’s left is their proverbial bones reaching to the sky. When deciduous trees are barren, single specimens can have a stark, architectural look to them. Yet … read more

Daffodils and hyacinths

Spring-Flowering Bulbs and Corms

Spring-flowering bulbs provide lots of color with very little effort. From mid-February until late April, the longer and warmer days signal the earth to awaken. First to bloom are snowdrops then crocus, daffodils, grape hyacinths, hyacinths and dwarf iris. Tulips that bloom during … read more

Male and female American wigeon

A Winter Bird Walk

The middle of winter can be the perfect time for a stroll along the many waterfront areas found throughout West Sound country. Choose a day when the weather offers clear, blue skies and crisp, cool temperatures. Birds sheltering in inland waters react to … read more

Get The Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Extending the Growing Season • Cleanup, Pruning, Planting...

Get Ready for Gardening Start looking for seed packets at local nurseries during the months of January and February. The sooner, the better for best selection. If you wait too long to pick up veggie seeds, you may not get the ones desired. … read more

Get The Dirt Snowy Owl

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Snowy Owls • Gardening Books

The holidays are a time for resting a bit from gardening tasks and especially a time for friends and family. Since gardening and birds often go together, if you’re lucky, you may see a snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus) passing through this region. It’s … read more

Hardy garden mums — these mums bloom in mounds from August through October. They are a favorite for cut flowers and display.

Garden Chrysanthemums — Colorful Hardy Flowers

Fall is the time of year when chrysanthemums appear in nurseries and garden centers. Gardeners may see them through the winter months too. Chrysanthemums originated in China and have been the national flower of Japan since 910 A.D. but have only been cultivated … read more

Snow bunting

Special Winter Birds

Many birds that nested in the North use the Pacific Northwest as their “south.” Their arrival at this time of the year is a winter highlight for the birding community. Audubon chapters plan their field trip schedules so members and visitors have a … read more

Throngs of people delight in seeing the salmon return at the Mountaineers Rhododendron Preserve last fall. Salmon docents and guides will be on hand to lead tours and answer questions again this year. (Photo courtesy Jeff Adams)
WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Salmon Steward Learn about salmon and their habitat, life cycle and species in the Puget Sound. Trainees who work two hours at salmon events get a new Kitsap Salmon Field Guide and are eligible to have the class fee refunded. Choose from a … read more



Dahlias are synonymous with fall. Lush blooms brighten private gardens and public places like the Silverdale Post Office, Port Gamble Post Office and local farmers markets. Gardeners and appreciators of these blowsy, colorful plants can purchase them in bouquets galore or even in … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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