Tag: wildlife

Female hairy woodpeckers in a territorial dispute

Size Doesn’t Matter in the World of Woodpeckers

All birds have their place in the ecosystems in which they live. Some are “keystone” species that other creatures rely on, making them a critical component of their respective biomes. Among the keystone species of birds are woodpeckers. As the name suggests, woodpeckers … read more


pets and plants

20 Pet-Safe House Plants and Their Health Benefits for Humans

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from “50 Pet-Safe Plants + Their Health Benefits For Owners,” originally published by Honest Paws. Check out the article for the list of 40 more pet-friendly plants for your home and your garden. Published with permission. When … read more

A fox sparrow blends in with the surrounding leaf litter as it nibbles on a sunflower seed.

A Sparrow That Stands Out While Blending In

Abbreviations abound in the world of birds. Species names are simplified with four-letter alpha codes for taking faster field notes and long names have shorter nicknames. The lingo causes confusion among even experienced birders, let alone beginners. Then there are the hard-to-discern birds … read more

Male red-breasted merganser

A Bad Hair Day is Fine for This Duck

Birds come in all shapes and sizes, with adaptations specific to the habitats in which they live. Some birds reside in forests, while others are from the desert. Many wade along the water’s edge and others prefer to go swimming. Among those who … read more

Gary Jackson with eagle. This photo appeared in the fall 2009 issue of WestSound Home & Garden magazine's "An Art-full Weekend" — a feature about the Gig Harbor Open Studio Tour. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event was canceled for 2020, which would've marked the 28th year of the tour. (Photo courtesy Charlee Glock-Jackson, 2007)

From Stainless Steel and Bronze to Inspired Art

Dedicated in March 2019, Ancich Waterfront Park in downtown Gig Harbor is both a remembrance of the town’s pioneering Ancich family and a dedication to the commercial fishing boats that shaped much of the community’s history. The park’s landscaping plan included public artwork … read more

Flic en Flac beach
Travel Bug

Magical Mauritius — Hidden Gem of the Indian Ocean

In the Indian Ocean southeast of the continent of Africa, some 1,200 miles off the coast, lies the idyllic volcanic island of Mauritius. A hidden gem of lush and beautiful beaches, excellent year-around weather and diverse cultural life. Logistics Most visitors will arrive … read more

Bloedel Reserve

Autumn Glory at Bloedel Reserve

The Kitsap Peninsula is privileged to be home to one of the nation’s most magnificent landscape gardens, just over the Highway 305 bridge on Bainbridge Island. Touted as “one of North America’s 10 best botanical gardens,” Bloedel Reserve is unique in its focus, … read more

An agile chestnut-backed chickadee hangs upside down from the tips of pine needles while searching for insects.

Cherish the Charming Chickadees

For years, people have debated the appropriateness of feeding wild birds. Some argue that birds rely on feeders instead of looking for natural food sources. Actually, few birds truly depend on backyard feeders. Many species use feeders with appropriate food choices for a … read more

Chiumbi Gorilla Lodge
Travel Bug

The Mountain Gorillas of Uganda — A Trek of a Lifetime

The mountains of Uganda and Congo bring to mind Hollywood stories like “King Kong” and “Gorillas in the Mist.” Known as the impenetrable jungle, this region makes trekking through dangerous and impossible without a guide. The 1988 film about the life of conservationist … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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