Tag: wildlife


Harbor Seals

Stranded or Sleeping? What to Do if You Find a Harbor Seal on the Beach

From late June to early September, harbor seals all over the Puget Sound are giving birth to their young. While these fuzzy, Bambi-eyed babies are drop-dead adorable, it is extremely important that beach visitors give these little friends a lot of space. If … read more


Pigeon Guillemot

Pigeon Guillemot — the Whistler

There is at least one bird that really whistles. Most of the time, when you hear what sounds like a whistling bird, it is air passing through its feathers when it flies. This “whistler” is a small, black bird seen on Northwest waters … read more

Swallows of Puget Sound

The Birds of Summer — Swallows of Puget Sound and Western Washington

Poulsbo’s Fourth of July fireworks light up the sky over Liberty Bay on July 3. Thousands of watchers come to town. But not everyone enjoys the noisy and colorful display. Dozens of purple martins occupying their nesting gourds at Oyster Plant Park find … read more

My Garden Journey — From ‘Type A’ to Laissez-Faire Gardener

Gardening. My livelihood, exercise, psychological wellbeing, and yes, my obsession. From learning to garden alongside my parents in Los Angeles to teaching horticulture in Kitsap today, my gardening style and philosophy have taken many forms. My first job in the business was at … read more



Minding the Regulations While Outdoors Helps Future Puget Sound Generations

Living in the Pacific Northwest and especially in the Puget Sound area, we have been spoiled with our ability to spend recreational time out in the wilderness, fishing and harvesting various shellfish. With more than 10,000 rivers and streams leading into Puget Sound, … read more

Get The Dirt - Carpenter Bees

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Carpenter Bees • Winter Veggies • Blackberry Control...

Carpenter Bees Recently at breakfast, I overheard someone talking about carpenter bees. Most people have heard about carpenter ants but carpenter bees were a new one to know. This person had inherited a deck that had been built with old, untreated and unpainted … read more


Eurasian collared dove, latin name Streptopelia decaocto

Watch for Eurasian Collared-Doves Around West Sound

Eurasian collared-doves are setting some kind of a record when it comes to colonizing North America. They aren’t native to this continent but their numbers stretch from coast to coast. This bird is a native of Europe and parts of Asia. After being … read more

Mason Bees

All About the Mason Bee

(a.k.a. the blue bee)

Mason bees are wonderful pollinators that are native to most of North America. They have been doing a magnificent job of pollinating long before the colonists brought in the honeybees from overseas. The mason bee is not a hive-dwelling bee, therefore there is … read more


Harbor Wildwatch

The Health Benefits of Volunteering in the Great Outdoors

Spring is alive in the Puget Sound! Soft, green sprouts of infant saplings are pushing their way through the damp soil, and round buds wait to explode in a firework display of colorful blossoms and new leaves. A myriad of birds gather around … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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