Tag: trees

For more color, add a large container to the garden.

Always a Dark Side in the Garden

Welcome to the dark side. Almost every new gardener wants a garden full of flowers. Usually the flowers on their wish list come from plants that need full sun. And tomatoes — almost everyone wants to grow tomatoes. Yet it is going to … read more


How to Camp like a Scout

A tradition dating back a hundred years, summer camping is the quintessential family experience. For some, it’s the allure of a cheap getaway, as far as vacations go. For others, what makes the idea appealing is the promise that at the end of … read more

The current garden, transformed (Photo courtesy Mike Seidl)

The Magic of Fletcher Bay Gardens

The garden of Nick and Marj Masla represents the best of the lives of the Masla family. This beautiful garden is the culmination of three decades of growing a passion for flowers, creating a retreat, building businesses tied to the bounty of the … read more


Cool Places to Enjoy the Dog Days of Summer on The Kitsap Peninsula

It’s true. Most people born in and around the greater Puget Sound area are wimps when it comes to really hot weather. As the thermometer soars and the dog days of summer linger on and on, locals whimper and wilt and scurry indoors … read more


edible garden tour

Manette to Host Edible Gardens Tour

Has gardening been on your mind but you don’t know where to start? The Manette Edible Garden Tour is one idea. The biannual tour, now in its fifth year, is geared to aspiring local gardeners who wish to learn from Manette’s veteran gardeners, … read more

Gold Star fruit

The Much-Adored Dogwoods Provide Year-Round Interest

When the Kousa dogwoods are in bloom from May to June, the world takes notice. This region needs to turn away from the popular, prone-to-disease, ornamental cherry trees and turn to some great trees such as the Cornus kousa. Imagine walking down a … read more

Rose garden, pond and waterfall in the Becks' garden
Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardens — Oh, the Stories They Tell

This year’s Gig Harbor Garden Tour is going to tell some enticing stories about gardens and how they came to be. Each garden, no matter how small or large, simple or exquisite, has a story to tell. Now in its 21st year, the … read more

(Photo courtesy Dennis Jacobson)

Magical Rocky Beach Retreat

Back in the ’50s, Dennis Jacobson’s family vacationed in a rented cabin less than a mile down the road from the retirement home where he and his wife, Betty, live. He knew then he wanted to live right on the water someday. As … read more

Bainbridge in Bloom 2018

The Joy of Exploring the Hidden Gardens of Bainbridge Island

When I first visited the home we ended up buying on Bainbridge Island, the owners excitedly told me that their garden had been on the 2016 Bainbridge in Bloom garden tour. This clearly was the attribute they wanted to pitch more than the … read more

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