Tag: things to do

Fletcher Bay Winery
The Sip

The Busy Season Arrives at Fletcher Bay Winery

Fall is the time of year when all the winemaking happens. It’s “go time” from mid-August (for some wineries harvesting early-ripening grapes like sauvignon blanc) until early November. For most of the wineries in Western Washington, harvest season means multiple trips back and … read more


loans for homes

What to Do if Your Mortgage Application is Denied

If you dream of homeownership, having your mortgage application denied can be devastating. If this does happen to you, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. In 2020, 13 percent of all purchase mortgage applications — a total of nearly 650,000 — … read more


Staycation Backyarding

10 Things ‘Master Backyarders’ Do (That All of Us Should Emulate)

Over the last couple of years, we’ve had a lot of practice backyarding. This is the act of doing indoor things — think dining, working, entertaining, exercising and even vacationing — outdoors, like in our own backyards. According to the TurfMutt Foundation, which … read more

Miles Yanick

An Architect’s Perspective on Bidding and Ensuring the Lowest Possible Construction Costs

During the design process, I am often asked how to ensure the lowest construction cost of a project. Whether the owner has set a maximum construction cost budget or not, it’s necessary during the preliminary design stages of the project to develop a … read more


cool lemon lush

Recipe for Cool Lemon Lush

Enjoy this refreshing treat any time of the year. Find more desserts at Culinary.net. Cool Lemon Lush Ingredients: Nonstick cooking spray 2 cups flour 1 cup butter, softened 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese 1 cup sugar 1 lemon, juice only 2 … read more

Zwetschgenkuchen German Plum Cake
Our Daily Bread

Zwetschgenkuchen German Plum Cake

Just in time for Oktoberfest, the little purplish blue Italian prune plums ripen — and all over Germany, slices of sweet, succulent “zwetschgenkuchen” fill the cases of pastry and coffee shops. This cake is also a popular dessert at Oktoberfests and all German … read more


moving with kids

Stay Sane While Moving: How to Find a Kid-Friendly Rental

Moving with kids can be stressful for all parties involved. While you’re coping with your own stress, trying to find a rental for the whole family, your kids may be worried about leaving their home or attending a new school. Before moving, you … read more


apple orchard

How to Create a Successful Apple Orchard

There is a difference between planting an orchard that survives and one that thrives. To create an orchard that grows well and produces quality apples, a number of considerations should be addressed before any trees are planted. Chose the Right Site The site … read more


ricotta puff pastries with strawberry compote

Recipe for Ricotta Puff Pastries with Strawberry Compote

Perfect for a party or simply indulging yourself, these addictive pastry puffs make it hard to stop at one. Easy to assemble with these step-by-step instructions, the ricotta mixture and fresh strawberry compote are dynamic together and provide a generous touch of sweetness. … read more

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