Tag: things to do

Nightshade Manette

Nightshade Manette

Succulent Cuisine that's Good for the Planet

Can’t everyone just get along? At Nightshade Manette in East Bremerton, vegetarians and omnivores can. Nightshade is the most recent delicious result of the partnership between married couple Kimberley Campbell and Erik Kleiva. Campbell and Kleiva have owned and operated the popular Port … read more


When you see it! Pictured: Jasmine, Adam, Musical Director Joel Kurzynski, Myriah, and Garrett

BPA’s Newest Show: [title of show]

Yes, that’s really the name of the show! Save the dates for a thoroughly unique and comical postmodern homage to the grand tradition of backstage musicals. You won’t want to miss this outrageously funny love letter to musical theatre. [title of show] is … read more


Cute Trinket Box
Weekend Projects

Make a Cute Trinket Box from an Altoids Tin

Now that we are in the heart of the rainy season in West Sound, people are spending much of their spare time indoors making crafts. Making trinket boxes from Altoids tins is one craft that is becoming popular on Pinterest. The tins are … read more


Apex Planter with Trellis and Shelf (Photo by gardeners.com)

Grow a Bigger Garden in a Smaller Space

Whether in the ground or on a balcony or deck, there’s always room to grow your own garden-fresh produce and beautiful flowers. Space-saving gardening techniques and products can help you increase productivity in any available space. Consider elevated gardens and planter carts that … read more


Sweet Chili Meatballs

Big Game Snacks for the Win

The big game is almost here: two teams, a room full of fans and a spread of fan-favorite foods to keep everybody going. Whether everyone’s at your place or you’re heading somewhere else to watch the game, you want to make sure the … read more


Brussels Sprouts
In the Market Now

Brussels Sprouts

Little, green mini cabbages that are frequently offered on long, straight stems intrigue the eye and confound the mind. A staple winter vegetable, Brussels sprouts suffer a love/hate relationship with most consumers. Those with a more sophisticated palate usually enjoy them and prepare … read more

Prime Real Estate

How to Reclaim the Prime Real Estate in Your Own House

Most of us have some idea in our minds about what “prime real estate” means. We sometimes use this phrase to discuss a particularly good location, a convenient parking spot or even (according to the Urban Dictionary) a desirable person. We probably also … read more



Choosing the Right Flooring for Your Home

If you have spaces that could use new floor coverings, you have a lot of choices. Before you make a decision, consider the possibilities — and the people and pets living in your home. Carpet: It’s soft underfoot and looks nice, while also … read more

Design Advice from the Experts
Design in 2017

Design — Advice from the Experts

This is a great time of the year...

Trends in home design for 2017 run the gamut from simple and strong to bold and reclaimed. Tranquil baths, bold flooring and attention to reusable materials top the list. Just like in fashion trends, there are… always hot new colors and styles — … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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