Tag: statepoint media


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Health Resolutions Doctors Encourage You to Make Today

The New Year represents a fresh start and is the perfect time to invest in your health. However, you may be unsure what resolutions will have the biggest impact. Doctors say that the easy, tangible actions you take are some of the most … read more


buy vs rent

Should You Buy or Rent a Home?

If you’re feeling stressed about rising rents and interest rates, you are not alone. Most American renters say their rents increased in the past 12 months, and for many, their wage gains didn’t keep pace. In addition, mortgage rates have reached a two-decade … read more


garden zen

Designing Your Garden for Better Mental Health

Gardening is not only a means for beautifying outdoor spaces and growing delicious foods. According to those who spend significant time in the yard, getting outside can also support your wellbeing. “Gardening is good for the mind, good for the soul and good … read more


Photo © Srecko Stipovic / iStock via Getty Images Plus

Using Wood Pellets? Prep for Potential Supply Shortage

Between the Russian invasion of Ukraine and sky-high oil and gas prices, a significant pellet fuel supply shortage is likely this winter season. Industry experts say you should plan ahead and secure your fuel now for the cold winter months. The good news … read more


loans for homes

What to Do if Your Mortgage Application is Denied

If you dream of homeownership, having your mortgage application denied can be devastating. If this does happen to you, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. In 2020, 13 percent of all purchase mortgage applications — a total of nearly 650,000 — … read more


3g going away

3G is Going Away — What it Means for You

Similar to the ways we listen to music and watch movies have changed, cellular networks are evolving too — all major wireless providers plan to shutter their 3G cellular networks this year. 3G networks are the wireless equivalent of being on dial-up internet … read more


healthy traditions

4 Ways Traditions Help Us Stay Healthy and Happy

Health experts say that establishing and maintaining family traditions can boost overall wellbeing and vitality, especially as we age. “As children become adults and move out of the house or away, the family traditions that bind us can sometimes get lost in the … read more


curb appeal

Landscaping Tips for Instant Curb Appeal

One of the best ways to achieve instant curb appeal, according to the experts, is to effectively layer shrubs, plants and flowers in your front yard. Doing so can create a cohesive visual experience that naturally guides visitors to the front door. Landscape … read more


Test your new or existing home for radon. It's crucial and easy to do. (©Ridofranz/iStock via Getty Images Plus)

What You Need to Know About Radon Exposure

Radon is present at high levels in a surprisingly large number of American homes, schools and other buildings. While this naturally occurring gas is odorless, tasteless and colorless, it’s far from harmless. Experts are raising awareness about the serious health risks associated with … read more

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