Tag: recognition

Betty Skinner

Unsung Hero — Betty Skinner

Owner, Betty Skinner Insurance Agency

Betty Skinner has been volunteering with the Boys & Girls Club’s Bremerton Teen Center for about five years. She felt compelled to get involved with the organization due to the support and esteem-building it provides for youth. When the teen center was built … read more

Unsung Hero — Deborah Horn

Executive Director, Meals on Wheels Kitsap

In 2018, Meals on Wheels will mark 45 years of service to Kitsap County seniors. The nonprofit has 10 community-dining meal sites throughout Kitsap County where seniors can receive a hot, nutritious meal and social interacting, paying a $3 suggested donation. Volunteers also … read more

Doctors Making a Difference
Fall 2017

Doctors Making A Difference

Dr. Jerrold Johnson, DDS, MS • Dr. Bradley...

At WestSound Magazine, we frequently hear about people doing interesting community work. When the idea was presented to highlight local physicians who do work worthy of praise in and out of their communities, we immediately gave it the thumbs up. Although doctors are … read more

Doctors Making a Difference
Summer 2017

Doctors Making A Difference

Dr. Toni Terry, MD • Dr. James Bates,...

At WestSound Magazine, we frequently hear about people doing interesting community work. When the idea was presented to highlight local physicians who do work worthy of praise in and out of their communities, we immediately gave it the thumbs up. Although doctors are … read more

Rosemary Collins

Unsung Hero — Rosemary Collins

Founder/President of Pony Up Rescue, Olalla, Washington

Rosemary Collins founded Pony Up Rescue for Equines in Olalla in 2006 because she saw a need for a rescue organization. In early 2007, Pony Up received 501(c)3 nonprofit status, and its mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome horses in need due … read more

Walt Le Couteur

Unsung Hero — Walt Le Couteur

Co-founder and Executive Director, Kitsap Rescue Mission

Walt Le Couteur co-founded Kitsap Rescue Mission with Larry Cooney. The two Kitsap residents had met at Bread of Life Mission in Seattle. They founded what was originally called the Bremerton Rescue Mission after recognizing the local need. Starting with the first meal … read more


Earth Day Awards

Kitsap County Commissioners, Public Works surprise winners of ‘Earth Day awards’

Kitsap County Public Works has presented the annual Earth Day awards since the early 1990s. The awards are presented to individuals, organizations, schools and businesses for their distinguishing environmental programs or projects. In the past, the recognition ceremony took place at the Board … read more

Ernie McCluskey

Unsung Hero — Ernie McCluskey

Chaplain, Martha & Mary

As Martha & Mary’s chaplain, Ernie McCluskey’s main role is to perform church services and provide spiritual counseling for residents, patients, families and staff. But McCluskey does much more than that. An artist who has exhibited his work, he also coordinates the Art … read more

Best of West Sound 2017

Best of West Sound Results 2017

WestSound Magazine magazine is excited to present the annual Best of West Sound results — from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor, we’ve found the businesses and places you love. Enjoy! Best Restaurant La Fermata 2205 East 11th Street, Bremerton lafermatarestaurant.com … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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