Tag: plants

Ostericher Garden Sanctuary
Cover Feature

A Garden Sanctuary

Gig Harbor couple make nature their inspiration

Tucked into a leafy Gig Harbor glen among native plants such as salal and huckleberry is a singing creek that drops into a pool surrounded by purposefully planted perennials. The sunlight catches a flash of gold or orange as a goldfish darts between … read more


victory garden

Tips for Seed Starting Success

You created your wish list, ordered some or all of the seeds you will need, and they are beginning to arrive. Make the most of your investment with a bit of planning. Starting seeds at the proper time, indoors or directly in the garden, … read more

‘Easy Does It’

Roses for Every Garden

Roses are perennial shrubs and the modern varieties bloom continuously from late May until October, while many other perennial plants bloom only once each season. The past 20 years of rose hybridizing has produced many disease-resistant roses that will be in the regional … read more


flourishing backyard spaces

Will ‘Backyarding’ Become a Permanent Trend?

Under pandemic conditions, yards and other managed landscapes became a safe haven for gathering socially, celebrating milestones and holidays, working, studying, playing, exercising and = relaxing. Called “backyarding,” this trend moves  indoor activities — from working in an office or classroom to dining … read more


yoga plants

Add These Indoor Plants for a Better Yoga Experience (or General Mood Lifting)

Yoga is a way for humans to connect with nature, and plants play a pivotal role in that. Plants increase mood and can help heal the body. Some plants can also clean the air, which can make a pretty big difference in how people feel as they … read more


kids in the garden

6 Tips for Engaging Your Children with Gardening

Growing your garden is a rewarding experience, and it’s even more rewarding when you can include your children in the gardening process. While your children might not be too keen on weeding, there are a number of ways to engage them with gardening. … read more

Iris ‘Eye of the Tiger’

Beyond the Bearded Iris

Thou are the iris, fair among the fairest Who, armed with golden rod And winged with the celestial azure, bearest The message of some god… ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfelllow When mentioning an iris, the most common image conjured up in mind is the … read more


victory gardens

Want to Plant a Climate Victory Garden?

U.S. gardeners have planted more than 8,000 “climate victory gardens,” according to Green America, which promotes these climate-friendly garden. The nonprofit maintains an interactive map that allows members of the public to register their own gardens. COVID-19 triggered a surge in new climate … read more

Dicentra ‘Ruby Gold’

Dream Big — with New Plant Introductions

With the Northwest Flower & Garden Festival canceled for 2021, and with a few months left of rainy, cold winter to face, what’s a passionate gardener to do? Get out your paper and sharpen your pencils because it’s time to dream big. This … read more

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