Tag: philanthropy

2022 scholarship recipients with Marilyn Colyar (far right,) who leads the scholarship group and the community engagement group

Heron’s Key — Residents Support Education for Local Students, Community

Heron’s Key, a Gig Harbor nonprofit senior housing and service organization, is making a concerted effort to support local education and many of Gig Harbor’s schools through resident-led scholarship programs and community engagement groups. The Heron’s Key Scholarship Group completed its sixth annual … read more

Leave 10 Kitsap

Leaving a Charitable Legacy

Individuals in the Kitsap area are thinking about the future of their assets. Of course, many will leave their wealth to their children. However, another wonderful way to leave assets to future generations is through charitable giving. According to Carol Kowalski, a member … read more

Dr. Paul McCullough with one of his Peter Maxx pieces

Charitable Art

Dr. Paul McCullough's donation is a "combination of...

Confucius once said, “If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else.” Charity is the gift that keeps on giving, and there are many ways to give generously. Dr. Paul McCullough has … read more


empty bowls event

Empty Bowls on March 5 to Raise Funds for Local Kids

“Because no child should go hungry,” Altrusa of Gig Harbor is working hard to make sure the children of this area don’t. In collaboration with about 20 local pottery artists, the Altrusa Empty Bowls committee is holding its annual fundraiser on March 5 … read more

Harriette Bryant

Unsung Hero — Harriette Bryant

Founder, mentor and board president of OurGEMS and...

Harriette Bryant founded OurGEMS (Girls Empowered through Mentoring and Service) in 2008 while mentoring nine eight-grade girls at Ridgetop Junior High School. They asked her if they could continue the next year, which lead to mentoring through their senior graduation. “I feel it … read more


salvation army

How to Help Families Struggling this Christmas Due to COVID-19

Nearly half of low-income Americans reported that they or someone in their household experienced some type of income loss during the pandemic, according to information published by Pew Research Center. Because more people are facing hardship this year due to the impacts of … read more

Ken Kieffer

Ken Kieffer — Volunteer Extraordinaire

Ken Kieffer’s world extends far beyond the edges of his mirror. Kieffer, 71, is a longtime Gig Harbor resident, retired attorney and consummate volunteer. He gives his time to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Diabetics Association, Susan G. Komen Puget Sound, Pierce County’s … read more


food bank

Local Food Banks Step Up Efforts to Fill Increased Need

The coronavirus pandemic (a.k.a. COVID-19) flipped the world, as we know it, off its axis. Life was normal as we all went about our unique daily grinds of juggling careers, commutes, school and extracurricular activities. Then, in what feels like a blink of … read more



Supporting Local Nonprofits through Kitsap Great Give

Nonprofit organizations helping people in need are struggling all around the country, as more people need help right now. Locally, you can help through the annual Kitsap Great Give, a 24-hour, online giving event organized by the Kitsap Community Foundation to grow philanthropy … read more

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