Tag: outdoors


Eco-lawns include wildflowers, such as English daisies.

Want Carefree Gardening? Tips for Ecolawns and Other Low-Maintenance Ideas

We all would like to have a beautifully landscaped yard that we can take time to enjoy. Some people love to putter in the garden and are proud of their artistic endeavors. Whether you enjoy it or not, many garden chores take a … read more


The beach at Guillemot Cove Nature Reserve, which is owned by Kitsap County, can be accessed through one of the trails and has beautiful views of "the Brothers." (Photo by Rodika Tollefson)
Trail Basics — Part 1

5 Tips for Safe and Fun Exercising on the Trails

It’s no secret (or surprise) that more and more people are heading to the trails for their regular exercise, whether walking/hiking or running. Whether you are new to the trails or have countless trail hours under your belt, there are some basic tips … read more

Barbara and Dave Shoaf — Garden Paradise

Barbara and Dave Shoaf — Garden Paradise

The hillside gardens of Barbara and Dave Shoaf offer a glimpse of paradise to every visitor. When the North Kitsap couple retired from spending their lives and careers in Phoenix, Ariz., they knew exactly where they wanted to move. In fact, they had … read more


Gardening With Peg
Gardening With Peg

Vegetables to Plant Now for Winter Harvest

In the West Sound growing climate, gardeners can often plant seeds and starts in July through September for late fall, winter and sometimes even early spring harvest. The most important thing to remember is soil temperatures and how much water is needed. Many … read more

WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Salmon Stewards Oct. 10, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Norm Dicks Government Center Cost: $10 Learn about salmon habitat, life cycle and species in the Puget Sound. Ecologically, traditionally and commercially important, salmon are iconic in our region and influence how we manage … read more

Get The Dirt — Crows

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Crows • Fall Chores and Plantings • Classes...

Crows Fall is the time when days are shorter and fall-colored foliage and decorations abound. It’s also a time of dormancy and death when annual plants die and decompose into great soil, while other plants enter a long sleep, storing energy for next … read more


McCormick Forest Park

HAPPY Trails to You — The Benefits of Running Outdoors

Perhaps John Muir, the great American environmentalist, said it best: “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” You probably know that exercise in general is good for us and that we are lucky enough to live in the … read more


Late summer border bloomers, upright sedum and Japanese Anemone

A Few Tasks for the Dog Days of a Summer Garden

As you stroll through the garden in the heat of the day, plants don’t seem to have that oomph they had in the spring. Some say it’s just too hot to garden and are waiting for fall planting time to even think about … read more

'Major' kaffir lily complemented by 'Pink Panther' Phormium and autumn leaves of oakleaf Hydrangea
Unusual Perennials for Cutting

Flower Power

Fresh floral arrangements make a statement. Whether composed of a single, stunning blossom or multihued, full and brimming with petals, a bouquet says that you care about the details and flourishes that make a house a home. And to guests, flowers are a … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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