Tag: outdoors


Old Time Fourth of July in Kingston

A Real, Old Time Fourth of July in Kingston

For years on the Fourth of July, people have lined Main Street in Kingston with lawn chairs and blankets, and kids have waited with bags ready for the candy to rain down. Even the Kingston ferry pauses out of respect. People who want … read more

Digitalis Illumination 'Flame'

New Plant Introductions

What keeps you interested in plants? Is it spring fever, compelling you to run to your favorite garden center and pick out whatever catches your eye in the moment? Or do you carefully lay out a plan, following your garden designer’s directions or … read more


Simmons Garden

North Kitsap Private Gardens Open for Garden Conservancy’s Open Days Program June 28

On Sunday, June 28, the Garden Conservancy’s nationwide Open Days Program features six private gardens open to the public for one day only in Indianola, Poulsbo and on Bainbridge Island. Admission to each garden is $7 and benefits the Garden Conservancy. Open Days … read more


Eurasian collared dove, latin name Streptopelia decaocto

Watch for Eurasian Collared-Doves Around West Sound

Eurasian collared-doves are setting some kind of a record when it comes to colonizing North America. They aren’t native to this continent but their numbers stretch from coast to coast. This bird is a native of Europe and parts of Asia. After being … read more

Ground Cover

Carpeting the Garden in Living Green

A favorite look in many gardens is flagstone surrounded by a carpet of ground covers. Providing interesting textures and colors, the shortest of the short such as creeping thyme, Corsican mint, Irish and Scotch moss, and others cover the soil as they crawl … read more

Old Roses, Companions And Pests
Care for Roses, Part 2

Old Roses, Companions And Pests

Many of the old garden roses (OGRs) we now grow in America came to us by way of Europe. During her brief tenure as Napoleon’s empress (1804-’09), Josephine of France collected more than 200 rose varieties, nearly all that were known in the … read more

Mason Bees

All About the Mason Bee

(a.k.a. the blue bee)

Mason bees are wonderful pollinators that are native to most of North America. They have been doing a magnificent job of pollinating long before the colonists brought in the honeybees from overseas. The mason bee is not a hive-dwelling bee, therefore there is … read more


Harbor Wildwatch

The Health Benefits of Volunteering in the Great Outdoors

Spring is alive in the Puget Sound! Soft, green sprouts of infant saplings are pushing their way through the damp soil, and round buds wait to explode in a firework display of colorful blossoms and new leaves. A myriad of birds gather around … read more

Sundquist Nursery — Perennial beds in summer glory

Sundquist Nursery

Plants with Personality for Perfect Performance

Nils Sundquist of Sundquist Nursery is a consummate nurseryman. Growing plants has been his life’s work and passion since the age of 19. In fact, he could be called an aficionado of plants and all things related to horticulture. The nursery is located … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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