Tag: outdoors



10 Tips for Safer Winter Generator Usage

Winter weather is here, and if your electricity goes out due to snow and ice, a generator can keep power flowing to your home or business. The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), an international trade association representing small engine, utility vehicle and outdoor … read more

Garden Cornucopia

A Garden Cornucopia

In all seasons, this Poulsbo garden shares its...

Gordon and Janet Knudsen don’t have a lilac, but that’s OK, because they have practically everything else. From astrantia to zinnias, the Knudsens’ Poulsbo garden is a botanical who’s who — and what’s that? — of fabulous plants. However, the Knudsens’ arboretum-esque property … read more

Rain Gardens

Rain Garden at the Heart of Dream Northwest Landscape

When Sherry and Kirk Kanode moved into their beautiful, brand-new custom home in 2002, little did they know they were embarking on a gardening adventure of a lifetime. A deep, crescent-shaped bioswale separated their front yard from the street, making street parking and … read more


fall cleanup

Your Fall Home and Yard Maintenance Checklist

Regularly checking your home for maintenance needs throughout the year is the best way to keep the home safe and prevent the need for costly emergency repairs. But fall is one time of year when you really need a thorough, systematic inspection to … read more

Garden of Delights
Cover Feature

Garden of Delights

A tapestry of texture, a masterpiece of excess...

It’s been said that you can tell a lot about a person by the garden she grows. In the case of Teri Cole of Bainbridge Island, her garden is an adventure of exuberance. A riot of color, quirk and creativity, Cole’s beds and … read more

Flic en Flac beach
Travel Bug

Magical Mauritius — Hidden Gem of the Indian Ocean

In the Indian Ocean southeast of the continent of Africa, some 1,200 miles off the coast, lies the idyllic volcanic island of Mauritius. A hidden gem of lush and beautiful beaches, excellent year-around weather and diverse cultural life. Logistics Most visitors will arrive … read more



5 Things to Do Now to Get Your Home Ready for Winter

Although preparing your home for winter is a fairly consistent process year-to-year, many homes have seen significantly more use this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. If your home will serve as your office or school throughout the winter months, it’s important to address … read more


‘The Complete Book of Ferns’

In the Victorian era of the 1800s, there began a fad called “pteridomania” or “fern fever,” referring to a huge popularity of all things pteridological. “Pterido” is from the ancient Greek word pteris for fern. Back then, the craze involved more than just … read more

Bloedel Reserve

Autumn Glory at Bloedel Reserve

The Kitsap Peninsula is privileged to be home to one of the nation’s most magnificent landscape gardens, just over the Highway 305 bridge on Bainbridge Island. Touted as “one of North America’s 10 best botanical gardens,” Bloedel Reserve is unique in its focus, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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