Tag: outdoors

The Gentlemen Gardeners

The Gentlemen Gardeners

Two “gentlemen gardeners” maintain a delightful garden at their home on Bainbridge Island. Jim Stokes and Roland Mitlohner didn’t become active gardeners until after retirement, although they both had gardening in their blood from an early age. Mitlohner, who grew up in Czechoslovakia … read more


(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Six Tips to Keep Pets Safe and Warm This Winter

Just as people prepare their homes, cars and families for extreme temperatures and weather events of winter, it’s important to remember pets’ needs this time of year. As cold weather sets in, Dr. Jennifer Freeman, DVM, resident veterinarian at PetSmart, shares these tips … read more


curb appeal

Five Tips for Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal

It’s no secret that the U.S. housing market is booming right now. According to realtor.com, “strong demand and insufficient supply pushed home prices up at a record-breaking 16.6% pace. The combination of historically low mortgage rates, businesses reopening and the lifting of pandemic … read more

A female Anna’s hummingbird puffs up to keep warm on a snowy day.

A Hummingbird for All Seasons

Everyone loves hummingbirds. Even people with little interest in other species are captivated by tiny birds that run on sugar and fly forward, backward, up and down and from side to side, and can hover like a helicopter — the only birds with … read more

Coleus Terra Nova ‘Peach Julep’ (Photo courtesy of Terra Nova Nurseries)

New Year, New Plants, New Joy

“She sprouted love like flowers, grew a garden in her mind, and even on the darkest days, from her smile the sun still shined.” ~ Erin Hanson January is not just about resolutions. It is the beginning of a new year, new plants … read more

Augusta Asberry

A Jewel Tucked Away From View

This is not an “Amy’s One Painting,” nor is this even a painting. It’s a public art feature by Augusta Asberry. Have you seen it? Of course you haven’t. It’s public art that the public does not see, for it’s located in the … read more

A small flock of sanderlings retreats from an incoming wave on the beach near Ocean Shores.

A Speedy Sandpiper and a High-Mileage Flyer

Shorebirds are a family of birds that live up to their name. They inhabit the shore. Some live on rocky shores, while others prefer sandy beaches. A late-fall trip to virtually any Western Washington beach provides an excellent opportunity for finding a variety … read more


Snow and Ice Tips

Tips for Protecting Your Yard from Snow and Ice This Winter

More people are extending their outdoor time in the winter by adding fire pits, outdoor heaters, and other features. Even in the wintertime, it’s important to take care of your yard. The TurfMutt Foundation, an environmental education and stewardship program that encourages outdoor … read more

AZEK composite decking. Design by A Kitchen That Works LLC. (Photo courtesy Northlight Photography)

Building the Deck of Your Dreams

Office al fresco or simply a COVID-safe space to relax and commune with family and friends — many Americans are devoting time and financial resources to creating an outdoor living experience in their own backyards. Driven in part by the COVID-19 pandemic and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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