Tag: outdoors

A Renovated Garden
Grow and Flourish

A Renovated Garden

Barbara and Graham Wilson of Poulsbo took their dismal, barren property and transformed it into a garden paradise. After moving to their current home eight years ago, the Wilsons came to a realization. Their property “was in bad shape,” Graham Wilson asserts. Barbara … read more

Mizar Asian Garden

A Garden for Meditation and Relaxation

Opening the gate and stepping into Linda Mizar’s garden is like stepping into the wonderland of a gardener’s imagination. Meandering walkways lead the visitor around and through 21 imaginary rooms of garden discovery. A collector of garden art and miscellany, Mizar has grouped … read more


germinate seedlings

Autumn is for Planting: Seed Starting for a Fall Garden

Now’s the time to get started in your fall garden. While it’s viable to find starts at the local farmer’s market or the nearby hardware store, nothing is more rewarding than starting your entire garden from seed. What You Need for Seed-Starting Since … read more


Purple Sensation allium livens up the early season garden with its violet-purple, 4-inch diameter flowers. (Photo courtesy of Longfield-Gardens.com)

Plant Alliums This Fall to Add Variety and Beauty to Your Garden

Take your garden to new heights with alliums. This ornamental member of the onion family provides welcome color as spring bulbs fade and before summer perennials fill our gardens with colorful blooms. Most people have seen pictures of the giant allium but there … read more

A male wood duck shows off his spectacular plumage on a sunny day at the lake.

A Dazzling Duck and a Triumph for Conservation

As is typical with many things in life, when it comes to birds, people gravitate toward the ones with visual beauty. While birders are thrilled to see a drab-looking rarity, nonbirders get excited about birds that look the best. Not surprising, colorful birds … read more

Teri Cole Tips
Teri's Tips

Time for Edible Flowers

We’ve had a very chilly spring! I just can’t wait for my garden to start blooming. I’m thinking we are five to six weeks behind because we’ve had so little sunshine. I will pick beautiful bouquets, have garden tours, and host some very … read more


Controlling Mold

Keeping Mold at Bay During Summer

Between the pool, beach, lake and the various other ways to stay cool, plus the stifling humidity and warm weather storms, summer is one of the top moisture-filled times of the year. This season brings a few extra problems that may not be … read more

The extremely rare Wollemia nobilis tree covered in globular female cones (Photo courtesy of Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium)

The Botanical Wonders of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

On the other side of the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium entry gates, you step into another world of exotic plants and animals. Or should it be said you step into many parts of the world in one location? For people who love … read more


peace and fitness
Beyond Exercise

Five Ways to Boost the Benefits of Your Time Outdoors

Has your outdoor exercise become routine? Since early 2020, many people headed outdoors to stay fit. The natural world offers many of the benefits of a gym, but sometimes we need a reminder to boost our sense of play and our sense of … read more

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