Tag: organization



Making the Most of Your Storage and Organization Space with Built-in Cabinetry

Many people want to move because they don’t have enough storage. Let’s be honest, Americans have a LOT of STUFF. I often meet with people who think moving will solve the issue, but often it is just a rearranging of space that is … read more

Tools That Almost Never Work

Tools That Almost Never Work

What Not to Buy if You Want to...

Organizing Culprit No. 1: The Filing Cabinet The No. 1 organizing fail is the one you’d least expect: the filing cabinet. That’s right. For anyone except the most organized people, filing cabinets are where papers go to die. This unorthodox view comes from … read more


Melissa Michaels

Five Steps to a Simple Home

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from “Make Room for What You Love,” the latest book just released from Seattle author Melissa Michaels, the creator of the popular blog The Inspired Room. 1. Avoid temptation. When you can, don’t go to places that … read more


Wall Organization

Creative Ways to Add Order to Your Home

Although there are hundreds of options for organizing your home, the pieces you make yourself are the ones that truly reflect your personality. Adding your own flair to standard organizing materials adds instant character and functionality to any room. Making the most of … read more

Feeling Disorganized
Feeling Disorganized?

Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Stuff

The more stuff you have, the more stress you have, period. This is true not only for those on television shows who need teams of people to dig them out of piles of their accumulated personal effects, but for all of us. This … read more

Open shelving and wire baskets — Design by Paula Kennedy, Timeless Kitchen Designs (Photo courtesy Northlight Photography)

Hung Up On Closets

“It looks like a bomb went off in my closet!” This is how many homeowners describe their closets. Is it too many clothes and shoes or is it lack of organization? Honestly, it is typically a bit of both. Although designers and residential … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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