Tag: organization



10 Tips for Handling Clutter in Your Home

A recent survey found that the average Americans are stockpiling 23 unnecessary items in their home and 57 percent keep things for sentimental reasons. A third of Americans also procrastinate throwing out items they no longer need. The study of 2,000 people, commissioned … read more

(Photo courtesy Kiana Lodge)

How to Choose Your Perfect Wedding Venue

You’ve seen the big-screen wedding movies. Setting is important on the movie screen. It sets the tone and establishes the mood. In “Wedding Crashers,” the nuptials took place at the stately Inn at Perry Cabin in Maryland. The movie “Bridesmaids” filmed the ceremony … read more



‘Shedding’ Light on a New Trend in Building

As a kid in the 1970s, I remember all my neighbors having those cheesy, metal sheds with a barn-style roof in the backyard. Yes, one of those where they kept all the Christmas stuff, the lawnmower — you name it. They were patently … read more

Comfy Comfort Zone

How Comfy is Your Comfort Zone?

A great deal has been written about mental comfort zones. The internet is full of Venn diagrams with a puny circle titled “your comfort zone” and a large circle with no overlap titled “this is where the magic happens” — implying that you … read more


Simple Decorating: 50 Ways to Inspire Your Home

Inspire Your Rooms, Inspire Your Life

Editor’s note: This excerpt was adapted from “Simple Decorating: 50 Ways to Inspire Your Home” by Melissa Michaels. Published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon. Used by permission. A home should be more than just something pretty to look at. Our homes should … read more

Got Stuff?

Got Stuff?

One does not need be a hoarder to have too much stuff. Or some say having stuff is never enough stuff. Or, “Don’t give me stuff, even if it’s free.” Got stuff? Stuff. A seemingly simple story has transformed into a complicated creature … read more



How to Downsize with Valuable Household Artifacts

An estimated 4.2 million retirees downsized and moved to a smaller home in 2016. But for most of us, when it comes time to clean out the closets, downsize, move away or move on, the reality of making decisions about what to do … read more

Prime Real Estate

How to Reclaim the Prime Real Estate in Your Own House

Most of us have some idea in our minds about what “prime real estate” means. We sometimes use this phrase to discuss a particularly good location, a convenient parking spot or even (according to the Urban Dictionary) a desirable person. We probably also … read more

Christmas at the Deckers

Christmas at the Deckers

How do they keep track of all the...

Lana Decker’s love of Christmas began when she was in high school. Over the years, she’s amassed quite a large collection of ornaments, santas, trees… so much so, that the collections have taken over the Deckers’ three-car garage. At last count, she had … read more

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