Tag: northwest

Get The Dirt — Summer Gardening Tips

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Summer Gardening Tips • Fun and Learning •...

Summer Gardening Tips Summer is the perfect time to wander throughout your gardens. Take photos of the planting areas you enjoy the most. Download photos and make notes to yourself what you like the best about the various plants you’ve recorded. Make notes … read more

A summer bloomer, tansy ragwort can be anywhere from one to six feet tall. Ingesting this biennial weed can cause irreparable liver damage. (Photo courtesy Kitsap Noxious Weed Control)
Know Thy Enemy

Outsmarting Your Garden Nemesis

Weeds are not altogether undesirable plants. “Heresy!” you might say, but the term “weed” is an arbitrary designation made by a gardener who would prefer to grow another plant instead. To some people, a foxglove is a gift in an otherwise bare bed, … read more

Gardening to Attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies

Gardening to Attract Hummingbirds and Butterflies

WestSound Magazine readers have asked us to publish information about attracting hummingbirds and butterflies to their gardens. The following information has been gathered from past WSH&G articles and consolidated into the following pages. Please enjoy and have fun attracting these flying jewels to … read more

Paeonia "Krinkled White" is a popular, classic peony from the 1920s, and has a single, white flower. (Herbaceous hybrid)

Paeonia… An Ancient Flower for West Sound Gardens

One day, the Greek goddess Aphrodite caught Apollo flirting with a shy, beautiful nymph named Paeonia. When Paeonia realized the goddess was watching them, her face flushed a deep rose-red. In a fit of jealous anger, Aphrodite turned the blushing girl into a … read more


Enjoy the Versatility of Lavender by Growing Your Own

Enjoy the Versatility of Lavender by Growing Your Own

An old-fashioned, fragrant herb, lavender colors the garden with a purple haze in midsummer. This herb is so popular, it has its own festivals. Lavender’s reputation is attributed to its beauty in the garden and diversity of use, from aromatherapy to crafting. The … read more


Bremerton's Fish Catching Fisherman Statue

Bremerton’s Fisherman Statue Warmed Its Way into People’s Hearts

There was immediate controversy. I cringed. I was told the imagery of a fisherman, costing thousands of dollars, was not made by a local artist and it would be installed a few feet from my art gallery’s front door at 4th Street and … read more

Port Gamble General Store

It’s a Wonderful Life… in Port Gamble

A walk through the quaint town of Port Gamble is like stepping back in time. But for 88-year-old Lorene Klamke, the town is more than just history. It’s where she attended grade school, met her true love and gave birth to the first … read more


Caterpillars that are hanging dead from their tent after having been destroyed by parasites.

Tent Caterpillars Are Making a Comeback

What you need to know

The last tent caterpillar outbreak in West Sound happened quite a while ago. Yet the memories — of the sounds they made as they munched away at our tree canopy and the shivers they sent through my spine as they fell on my … read more

The Wine Cabinet

The Wine Cabinet — Riesling Wine

Riesling is a white grape variety that is said to have originated in the Rhine region of Germany. It is an aromatic grape variety displaying flowery, almost perfumed aromas as well as high acidity. It is used to make dry, semisweet, sweet and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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