Tag: how-tos


All sorts of materials were recycled to help retain the soil in the original terraced beds over two decades.

Terracing a Vegetable Garden

The first time we saw our property, we were not smitten. Most of the land sloped significantly and faced north. The house did not make us jump with excitement either, at first. As our choices were pretty limited, we took a second look, … read more

Moss Master Plus

Moss Master Plus — Eco-Friendly Roof Cleaning and More

The sight of moss on a roof is as common in the Puget Sound region as the sight of a Starbucks coffee shop. It’s the inevitability of the wet weather and shady environment — sooner or later, you’ll likely spot those telltale green … read more


Linda's Ruby Red Salad
In the Market Now

Beets, Cabbage and (Dried) Cherries! Oh MY!

Visiting a health minded friend in Arizona recently, we were served a most delicious, crunchy and satisfying salad that utilized market-fresh ingredients. My friend, Linda, lives in a community where everything is trucked in, and seasonal items are not the focus of her … read more

Got Stuff?

Got Stuff?

One does not need be a hoarder to have too much stuff. Or some say having stuff is never enough stuff. Or, “Don’t give me stuff, even if it’s free.” Got stuff? Stuff. A seemingly simple story has transformed into a complicated creature … read more

Narcissus ‘Passionale’

The Daffodil Spring

I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils; Beside the lake beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. ~ William Wordsworth In the last … read more


Screech Owl

Owls and Outdoor Toilets

The Teton Raptor Center in Wilson, Wyoming, is attempting to contact as many people as possible who have an interest in the outdoors. The organization’s goal is to increase awareness of a little-known problem: Outdoor toilets can entrap cavity-nesting owls. Other birds that … read more


Ham with Honey, Fennel and Mustard Glaze

Elevate Your Easter Feast with Sweet, Simple Ham

For most, it’s not Easter without the classic ham centerpiece. This year, add a flavorful twist to everyone’s favorite holiday main dish with a glaze, chutney or sauce. Ham pairs well with many flavors, making it easy to create a unique dish every … read more


potato leek soup
In the Market Now

Storage Potatoes and Fresh-Dug leeks

Leeks are the vegetable auntie of the family allium. They are easy to grow from seed or to transplant in the late-spring garden from sprouts, Leeks are long growing and don’t mind being in the ground for a long time. They are often … read more


Trail Etiquette Tips for Hiking Around West Sound

Trail Etiquette Tips for Hiking Around West Sound

We need to be sensitive not only to the environment surrounding our trails, but to other trail users as well. Some of the trails are also open to mountain bikers and equestrians. When you encounter other trail users, whether they are hikers, runners, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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