Tag: horticulture


Use Nature as Inspiration for Pruning

Use Nature as Inspiration for Pruning

I hope you’ve had many opportunities to get out into some of our wilderness areas to experience nature untouched by human hands. Did you marvel, as I have, at the overwhelming beauty of these natural landscapes? Nature is a very gifted designer and … read more

The Captured Garden

The Captured Garden

In the summer of 1829, Dr. Nathaniel Ward placed the chrysalis of an adult sphinx moth in an enclosed glass container so he could observe the moth’s emergence. The soil he placed in the container sprouted seeds and spores, as natural soils will … read more


Gardening With Peg

Plants for Year-Round Interest

When selecting plants for landscaping, you’ll find several types for extending interest in the garden for more than three seasons. Roses, hydrangeas, hardy fuchsias and conifers are just some examples. In this video, you’ll see Lacecap hydrangea, Rosa glauca, Abies koreana ‘Horstmann’s Silverlocke’ … read more


Container Gardens

Fall Fashion for Container Gardens

The days are getting shorter and the mornings have a misty coolness to them. Now that fall is officially here, it’s time to change out summer color plantings and potted color gardens. It is much like changing your wardrobe for the season; the … read more

Tips for Creating an Ageless Garden

Tips for Creating an Ageless Garden

How can we create an “ageless” garden to stand the test of time through our entire gardening lifetime? Here are a few quick ideas to consider incorporating into your garden’s overall design. Choose wide paths (4-6 feet wide). Choose smooth or compact permeable … read more

Tips for Planting Out of Season

Tips for Planting Out of Season

Normally, the best time of the year to plant any plant, including our native plants, is during the dormant season. In Western Washington, that time is generally late October through early February. Fall planted plants have a longer time to take advantage of … read more


Eco-lawns include wildflowers, such as English daisies.

Want Carefree Gardening? Tips for Ecolawns and Other Low-Maintenance Ideas

We all would like to have a beautifully landscaped yard that we can take time to enjoy. Some people love to putter in the garden and are proud of their artistic endeavors. Whether you enjoy it or not, many garden chores take a … read more

Kitsap County Boys and Girls Canning Clubs, aboard the U.S.S. Nevada, October 25th, 1923. (Turner Photo)
WSU Kitsap Extension

Celebrating a Rich History of Outreach Education

On many a sunny, misty or downright rainy day in Kitsap County, you can see a group of kindred spirits bent over a Master Gardener (MG) demonstration garden — planting, weeding, irrigating and harvesting. They are carrying on a rich tradition of outreach … read more

Smooth as Glass

Create Your Own Glass Garden Terrarium

Terrariums are back! Introduced in 1831 for Victorian parlors and popular again in the 1970s, covered glass containers are an attractive way to display plants while providing the humidity that is difficult otherwise to maintain indoors. While a terrarium normally refers to a … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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