Tag: horticulture


Include summer blooming shrubs like this Blue Satin Rose of Sharon to brighten up the summer garden. (Photo courtesy of MelindaMyers.com)

Designing Gardens for Year-Round Color and Protecting Your Investment

Create a colorful year-round garden filled with flowers, greenery, colorful fruit, fall color, winter interest and a few surprises. Consider seasonal interest when planning a new garden or landscape. Adding a few key plants to existing gardens can help boost your landscape’s seasonal … read more

Rosedale Gardens

The Inspirational Rosedale Gardens and Nursery

If there’s one good thing that came with the COVID-19 virus in the past year, it’s the increased interest in the joys of gardening. With more time to spend at home and the need to fill the gaps left by social distancing, home … read more

Dandelion roots, leaves and flowers are edible and incredibly nutritious. Dandelion also makes a dandy jelly. (Photo courtesy Langdon Cook)

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Eat ‘Em

Many of those pesky plants you call 'weeds'...

So, you find dandelions to be less than dandy, knotweed has you in knots, and you’ve lost your patience with purslane. Some advice: If you can’t beat ’em, eat ’em. These plants and many other so-called “weeds” are actually tasty and good for … read more

Portlandia (Photo courtesy Sally Eastman)

Pruning or Moving Modern Roses

The Best Flowers Come from the New Growth

If you have roses in your garden that were planted two or three years ago, you probably need to prune them for their best health, shape and size. Pruning roses is an annual task. After you gather and sharpen your pruners and possibly … read more


dog friendly plants

A Guide to Dog-Friendly Garden Plants

Picture this — spring hath sprung, and you’ve finished your tedious cleaning jobs. As the days are getting longer and warmer, you grab sun cream and spend your weekend giving the garden some much deserved TLC. When shopping for plants, remember to consider … read more


green beans

The Garden Bean Gets Its Due in 2021

There are many species of beans in cultivation around the world, yet it’s the common garden bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, that takes on celebrity status as National Garden Bureau’s vegetable focus for 2021. One of the earliest cultivated plants, garden beans can trace their … read more

Crossland Lush Garden Makeover

A Lush Garden Makeover

You’ve seen the photos in ads for miracle makeovers: the plain little face “before” and voilà! the lovely visage “after.” That same message can be applied to gardens, as was the case with this miraculous makeover of Susan and David Crossland’s garden in … read more


Pruning, Not Cutting

Healthy plants require pruning. Plants should be pruned after they fruit or flower. Improper pruning can lead to apical dominance. When you’re not pruning correctly, you may be removing the vertical growth of the plant and causing the release, a hormone that says … read more


victory garden

Tips for Seed Starting Success

You created your wish list, ordered some or all of the seeds you will need, and they are beginning to arrive. Make the most of your investment with a bit of planning. Starting seeds at the proper time, indoors or directly in the garden, … read more

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