Tag: gardening


Stuffed zucchini with polenta, bruschetta, balsamic glaze and black beans

What To Do with Your Garden Abundance

If you have a vegetable garden, you probably want all your produce to be used well. But there is a limit to how much produce one household can consume. Puget Sound gardeners get an average of 10 pounds of tomatoes from each plant … read more


Jim Valley
The Rest of the Story

Behind the Scenes with Musician Jim Valley

“Have you seen Jim Valley’s garden? You really need to see his garden.” This wasn’t the first time I’d heard Jim Valley’s name. I was standing at a party in Seattle, in a gathering of people who’d just seen “Her Aim is True,” … read more


Late summer border bloomers, upright sedum and Japanese Anemone

A Few Tasks for the Dog Days of a Summer Garden

As you stroll through the garden in the heat of the day, plants don’t seem to have that oomph they had in the spring. Some say it’s just too hot to garden and are waiting for fall planting time to even think about … read more


Slug-Proof Salad Box

Create a ‘Salad Box’ That’s Slug-Proof

Whether you are new to gardening, live in a townhouse or other small space or are an experienced gardener, you probably have seen a favorite crop in a raised bed or in-ground garden turned into Swiss cheese by the creatures of the night. … read more


Butterflies sip nectar from closely packed clusters of flowers, such as snowbrush, Ceanothus velutinus.
Water, Wild Plants, and Wildlife

How to Create a Backyard Sanctuary for Wildlife

Do you have waterfront property? Does your house look out on magnificent views of the Puget Sound? Or perhaps you have a secluded lakeshore cabin. You may want to consider making your property friendly to wildlife. On my property, there is a vernal … read more


Wheelbarrow full of lady's mantle flowers.

Staying One Step Ahead of Your Garden so You Can Enjoy It

As the days of summer heat up, the last thing we want to do is work hard in the garden. This is the time to enjoy it, play in the sprinklers and hang out with friends. Here are a few tips to help … read more

Get The Dirt — Summer Gardening Tips

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Summer Gardening Tips • Fun and Learning •...

Summer Gardening Tips Summer is the perfect time to wander throughout your gardens. Take photos of the planting areas you enjoy the most. Download photos and make notes to yourself what you like the best about the various plants you’ve recorded. Make notes … read more

A summer bloomer, tansy ragwort can be anywhere from one to six feet tall. Ingesting this biennial weed can cause irreparable liver damage. (Photo courtesy Kitsap Noxious Weed Control)
Know Thy Enemy

Outsmarting Your Garden Nemesis

Weeds are not altogether undesirable plants. “Heresy!” you might say, but the term “weed” is an arbitrary designation made by a gardener who would prefer to grow another plant instead. To some people, a foxglove is a gift in an otherwise bare bed, … read more


Rain Garden

Rain Gardens Add Beauty and Function to Your Yard

Homeowners can receive financial and technical assistance through...

Controlling storm-water runoff is a necessity for your home and your yard, but it’s sometimes relegated to that dreaded list of outdoor chores. But what if adding an efficient runoff system meant the addition of a beautiful garden at the same time? That’s … read more

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