Tag: gardening

Get The Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Extending the Growing Season • Cleanup, Pruning, Planting...

Get Ready for Gardening Start looking for seed packets at local nurseries during the months of January and February. The sooner, the better for best selection. If you wait too long to pick up veggie seeds, you may not get the ones desired. … read more

Get The Dirt Snowy Owl

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Snowy Owls • Gardening Books

The holidays are a time for resting a bit from gardening tasks and especially a time for friends and family. Since gardening and birds often go together, if you’re lucky, you may see a snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus) passing through this region. It’s … read more

Hardy garden mums — these mums bloom in mounds from August through October. They are a favorite for cut flowers and display.

Garden Chrysanthemums — Colorful Hardy Flowers

Fall is the time of year when chrysanthemums appear in nurseries and garden centers. Gardeners may see them through the winter months too. Chrysanthemums originated in China and have been the national flower of Japan since 910 A.D. but have only been cultivated … read more


Fall Fruit Show 2015

Fall Fruit Show a Delicious Showcase of Local Harvest

Fall is harvest time and members of the Peninsula Fruit Club celebrate that in a big way. From Bainbridge Island to Gig Harbor, member growers bring and show the fruits of their orchard labor. The group has two events each that are open … read more


Roadhouse Nursery
Gardening With Peg

Water Gardening in Containers

Jan Bahr from Roadhouse Nursery on Central Valley Road recently showed us how to create water gardens in containers. You don’t need a huge piece of land or large construction equipment to enjoy a water garden feature. Smaller water gardens can be created … read more



Dahlias are synonymous with fall. Lush blooms brighten private gardens and public places like the Silverdale Post Office, Port Gamble Post Office and local farmers markets. Gardeners and appreciators of these blowsy, colorful plants can purchase them in bouquets galore or even in … read more

Nikki Johanson of Pheasant Fields Farm in her greenhouse full of veggie starts

Save it From a Rainy Day — Rainwater Harvesting

After the severe decline in this year’s snowpack, Gov. Jay Inslee declared a statewide drought in May. By July, runoff from snowpack had disappeared and 83 percent of the state’s streams and rivers were reported running at below normal or record low flows. … read more


The Benefits of Gardening with Children

Slow down. Feel the sun on your face. Feel the softness of the earth between your fingers. Bury your hand in the soil — perhaps you will find a spud, ready for supper tonight. Perhaps you’ll find a tunnel and follow it along … read more

Ocimum "Wild Red" has thick, purple-and-green leaves and pink flowers. It is also highly ornamental and looks great growing with other annuals.

Hail to the King — Basil

The Greeks held high regard for basil (Ocimum basilicum), and named the herb Vasilikos (pronounced vah-see-lee-KOHS), which means king. In India, basil is favored as a sacred herb. Throughout the centuries, the plant was considered the herb of love, yet on the other … read more

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