Tag: garden

Charles Metroz – Polyantha
Care for Roses, Part 3

Summertime Roses

Midsummer Evaluation By now you have been enjoying your rose blooms and perennials so it’s time to take a critical look at how the garden has progressed. Did you arrange the placement of your plants so the plant heights are pleasing to your … read more


Mossy rose gall

Mossy Rose Gall — A Fascinating Pest

I love plants with interesting foliage, be it the striking color, shape or fragrance. Rosa glauca, with her lovely bluish foliage, captured me the first time I saw it. Its flowers and hips are a bonus, always appreciated for their color and delicate … read more


Farmer's Market

Veggies, Flowers and Meats — Oh My! Downtown Gig Harbor Farmers Market Booms

Every Thursday afternoon, more than 40 farmers and food producers gather at Skansie Brothers Park on Gig Harbor’s picturesque waterfront in order to supply eager shoppers with organic and sustainably produced local fare. Organized as a collaborative effort between the city of Gig … read more

Bay Hay and Feed

It’s All About Community — Bay Hay and Feed

If you can’t find what you’re looking for at Bay Hay and Feed on Bainbridge Island, the chances are you don’t need it. And, after inquiring, if it’s not on hand, just ask — and it’s possible it will soon be carried in … read more

My Garden Journey — From ‘Type A’ to Laissez-Faire Gardener

Gardening. My livelihood, exercise, psychological wellbeing, and yes, my obsession. From learning to garden alongside my parents in Los Angeles to teaching horticulture in Kitsap today, my gardening style and philosophy have taken many forms. My first job in the business was at … read more

Outdoor Room

The Romance of an Outdoor Room

There’s nothing more magnetic than an “outdoor room.” It’s more inviting than just a porch. It’s more romantic than a deck or a patio. It can be either snuggled against the house or set out at the edge of the property. Either way, … read more

Get The Dirt - Carpenter Bees

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Carpenter Bees • Winter Veggies • Blackberry Control...

Carpenter Bees Recently at breakfast, I overheard someone talking about carpenter bees. Most people have heard about carpenter ants but carpenter bees were a new one to know. This person had inherited a deck that had been built with old, untreated and unpainted … read more


Rose Show

July 11 Show is a Celebration of Roses

Most gardeners love to have visitors to view and talk about what’s growing, and Kitsap County Rose Society members are no different than most. Novice and advanced rose gardeners will groom their best roses for a special July event that will be a … read more

Digitalis Illumination 'Flame'

New Plant Introductions

What keeps you interested in plants? Is it spring fever, compelling you to run to your favorite garden center and pick out whatever catches your eye in the moment? Or do you carefully lay out a plan, following your garden designer’s directions or … read more

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