Tag: garden

Vinland Midcentury-Modern Home

A Vinland Midcentury-Modern Home Spreads Its Wings

The "butterfly roofline" is characteristic of this classic...

Three years ago, Jeff and Ann Granlee were looking for waterfront. Fortunately, word of mouth and a real estate agent who kept her ears open lead them to a pretty piece of Hood Canal shoreline just south of Vinland Bay in North Kitsap. … read more


The more dahlias you cut for bouquets, the more flowers the plant will produce. (Photo courtesy of Longfield-Gardens.com)

Tips for Growing Beautiful Dahlias

Growing beautiful dahlias is easier than you think. Proper planting and care will result in an abundance of beautiful blooms for you to enjoy in your garden and summer bouquets. Use these strategies to boost your dahlia growing success. Start Early for a … read more


A holiday display with pink and red Princettia Euphorbia poinsettias (Photo courtesy of Suntory Flowers)

New Ways to Display Poinsettias This Holiday Season

Nothing says the holidays like a poinsettia. This year, try some new ways to display this festive plant. Poinsettias are available in a variety of colors including white, pink, hot pink, yellow, peach, marbled and speckled. These colorful parts of the plant, often … read more

Valley Nursery

Gift Ideas for the Gardener in Your Life

With the holidays here, everyone wants to find the perfect gift. A thoughtful gift that resonates with the recipient is a wonderful way to show that you care. But what do you about those friends and family members whose interests you don’t understand? … read more


Tomato press and sauce makers turn garden-ripe tomatoes into seed-free, skin-free sauce with the turn of a handle. (Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Give the Gift of Preserving the Garden’s Harvest

Give a gift that helps your favorite gardeners enjoy the flavors of their garden well past the end of the growing season. Both new and experienced gardeners often spend their gardening budget on plants and seeds, leaving little or none to invest in … read more

Giant chain fern (Woodwardia fimbriata)

Notable Native Ferns

Ferns are some of the earliest forms of plant life found on the planet. Fossil records date back to about 500 million years. About 300 million years ago, ferns dominated swamp forests, where they became the coal deposits that we mine for energy … read more

(Photo courtesy Susan Allen)

A Lifelong Love Affair on the Land

The view from the farmhouse porch instills a sense of peace and tranquility, as the ever-changing light signals the progression of seasons — and only the voices of birds flitting in and out of gardens and over the flood plain below break the … read more

Custom Rustic Birdhouses

Custom Rustic Birdhouses

Meet Luis Gonzalo Pablo Pablo. Luis is a multi-talented and creative gardener — from his stunning rose bushes to his large variety of vegetables, he has a “green thumb.” Luis was raised in Wenatchee and moved to Kitsap 19 years ago. In his … read more


fall leaves

Composting an Easy Solution to Fallen Leaves

Maple leaves and tree needles are starting to pile up. Do you have a plan for what to do with the excess leaves? Now is a great time to sign up for compost service. Curbside compost service is available to many homes in … read more

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