Tag: fruit

Farmer Rosie's

From Farm to Truck

Farmer Rosie Dishes Up Hospitality, Country Style

Welcome to Farmer Rosie’s, a come-as-you-are kind of place. Meet an old friend for breakfast or make a new one. Arrive on foot, by bicycle or on horseback, or drive on up. Relax in the sun, indulge in that second lavender shortbread cookie … read more


Enjoying the Fall Flavors of Apples
In the Market Now

Enjoying the Fall Flavors of Apples

Who doesn’t love the sweet, juicy crunch of fall’s first apple? It is as if all of nature has concentrated the best days of summer and the cooling nights of fall into one beautiful red, shiny gift that makes us happy to be … read more


In the Market Now


The ubiquitous summer fruit that appears at nearly every picnic or beach party and is nearly everyone’s favorite must be watermelon! Those who come from hot-weather summer climates have memories of the sweet, succulent melon, sold at fruit stands and off the back … read more

Butler's Farm

Gig Harbor Apple Farm the Go-To Place for Hundreds of Unique Varieties

The small, hand-lettered sign on Peacock Hill Avenue near Gig Harbor says, simply, “Butler’s Farm. Apples. Self serve.” It’s the first hint that at the end of the dirt driveway, there’s a 7.5-acre orchard where more than 1,200 apple trees — with upward … read more


Wonderful Washington Cherries
In the Market Now

Wonderful Washington Cherries!

It’s cherry season in Washington, and this year’s crop is better than ever! Mother Nature provided a long, cool, wet spring with warm sunshine coming just at the right time to produce beautiful, shiny, plump and very juicy cherries. Bings and Rainiers are … read more


Mason bee homes made out of reclaimed materials then given a crafty paint job. All parts are removable, if needed.

Better Garden Bounty with the Help of Mason Bees

I am not a mason bee expert but I recognize and benefit from their hard work during rainy weather. A few years ago, my strawberries were seedy and not uniformly plump and succulent, so I contacted my local Master Gardener for ideas about … read more


Cranberries at the market
In the Market Now


(More than You Ever Wanted to Know)

Cranberries have been a staple on Thanksgiving tables in the United States since the Pilgrims first feasted with the Wampanoag in 1621. The native populations had been using the wild cranberry Vaccinium macrocarpos throughout their history. It is believed they used the fruit … read more


Baked Apple Cake
In the Market Now


“As American as apple pie,” the saying goes. “An apple a day keep’s the doctor away” — maybe because an apple is full of fiber and vitamins and minerals? And then, stories abound about a guy name Johnny Appleseed who went across the … read more

Why Farmers Markets are So Popular

Why Farmers Markets are So Popular

Isn’t it interesting that the most iconic symbol of one of the leading technology centers in the world is a farmers market? No one would argue that the Pike Place Market in Seattle is the most famous landmark and the biggest tourist attraction … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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