Tag: food

Best of West Sound 2017

Best of West Sound Results 2017

WestSound Magazine magazine is excited to present the annual Best of West Sound results — from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor, we’ve found the businesses and places you love. Enjoy! Best Restaurant La Fermata 2205 East 11th Street, Bremerton lafermatarestaurant.com … read more

Debbie Mihali's small greenhouse produces delicious tomatoes and more all winter long.

Winter Kitchen Gardens

Keeping it Green Both Outdoors and Indoors

“Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself?” ~ Henry David Thoreau Ever since people stopped wandering and put down roots, there has been a special place set aside from which they cultivated herbs, … read more

(Photo courtesy Jenny Loftus)

Community Gardens and P-Patches in West Sound

Washington state is an amazing place, and not simply because of its immeasurable beauty. The Master Gardener program saw its birth here, training volunteers who are passionate about gardening to offer science-based answers to community members’ gardening questions. This program has spread throughout … read more

Nightshade Manette

Nightshade Manette

Succulent Cuisine that's Good for the Planet

Can’t everyone just get along? At Nightshade Manette in East Bremerton, vegetarians and omnivores can. Nightshade is the most recent delicious result of the partnership between married couple Kimberley Campbell and Erik Kleiva. Campbell and Kleiva have owned and operated the popular Port … read more


Apex Planter with Trellis and Shelf (Photo by gardeners.com)

Grow a Bigger Garden in a Smaller Space

Whether in the ground or on a balcony or deck, there’s always room to grow your own garden-fresh produce and beautiful flowers. Space-saving gardening techniques and products can help you increase productivity in any available space. Consider elevated gardens and planter carts that … read more


Sweet Chili Meatballs

Big Game Snacks for the Win

The big game is almost here: two teams, a room full of fans and a spread of fan-favorite foods to keep everybody going. Whether everyone’s at your place or you’re heading somewhere else to watch the game, you want to make sure the … read more


Brussels Sprouts
In the Market Now

Brussels Sprouts

Little, green mini cabbages that are frequently offered on long, straight stems intrigue the eye and confound the mind. A staple winter vegetable, Brussels sprouts suffer a love/hate relationship with most consumers. Those with a more sophisticated palate usually enjoy them and prepare … read more


Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes
Smart Start

Breakfast Recipes for a Healthy New Year

A commitment to health and wellness means taking care of yourself and your family, exercising and eating right. The New Year is the perfect time to refocus your goals and make better health a priority. A nutrient-rich breakfast can set you up for … read more


The Silent Night cocktail

Flavorful Recipes to Upgrade Your Holiday Feast

This holiday season, hospitality industry veterans such as Andy Seymour — a top bar educator — are encouraging hosts to use port wine as the focal point of their festivities in both food and drink menus. “Port’s depth of flavor and versatility in … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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