Tag: food


In the Market Now

Farm-Fresh Tomatillos (and Salsa Verde)

Autumn brings the final ripening of the garden, and tomatillos are at their sweetest-best as the vines begin to decline. Tomatillos, or “husk tomatoes,” are native to Mexico and have been cultivated since pre-Columbian times. A member of the nightshade family (Physalis), they … read more


Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Peanut Sauce

4 Peanut-Powered Protein Recipes for Family Meals

Sitting down for a homemade meal may feel harder to come by these days, but recipes that are both nutritious and flavorful can help bring your loved ones together at the family table. From morning to night, these breakfast, dinner, side and dessert … read more

kids on the farm

Raising ‘Em Up on the Farm

A New Generation of Young Farmers grows on...

Five-year-old Kavi Ostrom announced one day to her mother, “These plants aren’t doing well because we haven’t put enough compost on them.” Maia Ostrom said, laughing, “I’m pretty sure that Kavi will be running the farm soon.” Maia Ostrom and her husband, Erik, … read more

Il Lucano Ristorante Italiano

Il Lucano Ristorante Italiano

Farm-Style Cuisine from Southwestern Italy

The unmistakable, booming, Italian-accented, jovial voice of Michele “Mike” Simone leaves no doubt Il Lucano is Gig Harbor’s iconic Italian restaurant. Simone makes the rounds of tables, greeting customers, inquiring about the quality of food and thanking them for patronizing his business. “I … read more


sustainable forest

5 Tips for Living More Sustainably

From littering here and there to tossing bottles in the trash instead of the proper recycling bin, everyone has moments of weakness when it comes to the environment. If you’re looking to shake the guilt you may feel from the weight of your … read more



Become a Gleaner to Pick Produce for Those in Need (and Yourself)

Kitsap Harvest is a program that organizes volunteers to pick surplus fruits and veggies from farms, yards and gardens across Kitsap County. This activity is called “gleaning.” Kitsap Harvest donates the fresh produce to local organizations that feed people, like food banks, shelters, school summer … read more


In the Market Now

The Versatile Peaches

In the early ’70s, my husband’s job took us to Yuba City, California, which lies at the confluence of the Yuba and Feather rivers. The region is a lush growing area for almonds, walnuts and peaches. Our next-door neighbor’s mother grew several varieties … read more

Wine Tasting Season Returns to Bainbridge
The Sip

Wine Tasting Season Returns to Bainbridge

It’s black and sleek, screams luxury and is big enough to fit a group of friends or the extended family. It cruises around Bainbridge Island and is a regular at the island’s wineries and beaches. This is one of two passenger vans owned … read more


Classic Smoked Beef Brisket

Smoking Basics for Mastering the Art of Delectable Beef

Summer weekends are all about the barbecue. Grilling has become an American staple, and many home grill masters yearn to take it to the next level, impressing their friends and families with tasty, mouthwatering smoked beef. Smoking is a timeless technique that elevates … read more

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