Tag: flowers

Glass Flowers

Glass ‘Flowers’ For Your Garden

Hansville artist Judy Bryant has done a variety of things in her lifetime. For several years, she worked as a draftsperson at Boeing, where she drew the designs of the captains’ panel of the 737 aircraft onto mylar sheets, using special pens. She … read more

Never Say Done Garden

Never Say Done!

The ever-evolving garden of Ron Gillespie and Joyce...

A gravel lane heads arrow-straight through a dull flood plain west toward Dyes Inlet. But turn left off the lane into the driveway of Ron Gillespie and Joyce Merkel, and you find a profoundly different world. Strolling under a broad arbor dripping with … read more


Lavender Sweet Romance by Proven Winners

Make 2020 Your ‘Year of the Lavender’

The “lavender lifestyle” is real. Everywhere you look, people are incorporating this multifaceted plant into their daily lives: It’s seen in gardens, as well as in kitchens and décor. It’s even a special part of health and wellness routines. The texture, scent, attractiveness … read more

This fantastic little shrub fits into small spaces, but the flowers are as large as any other mophead hydrangea. (Photo courtesy Debbie Teashon)

New Plants for a New Year

Avid gardeners have a lot to celebrate in the New Year — a fresh garden season and innovative, new plant introductions for the garden. Here are some exciting new varieties to look for at your local garden centers. If you don’t find them … read more


Gravel Tray

Increase Indoor Garden Success with Proper Watering

Too much of a good thing can mean death for indoor plants. Overwatering is a good example of this, and a common problem for indoor gardeners. For others, it’s the opposite extreme, allowing plants to go too dry. Knowing when to water your … read more


Bearadise — An Enchanting Garden in the Forest

A passion for gardening is often passed down from generation to generation, and for Dorene Fretwell, that is certainly true. Fretwell has been a certified Master Gardener since 2007 and has used her horticulture knowledge, creativity and intuition to create a beautiful woodland … read more

pets and plants

How to Keep Houseplants Healthy While Keeping Pets Safe

You love them both — your pets and houseplants — but it can be challenging to safely raise them together in the same house. Reduce the risk by selecting pet-safe plants and safely managing houseplant pest problems. Avoid problems by selecting plants suited to … read more

Under the Camellia is a planting of heath (Erica), coral bells (Heuchera), ivy and blood twig dogwood (Cornus 'Midwinter Fire').

Dynamic Containers for Winter

Barely into winter, and the signs of the season are everywhere. The vibrant aspects of warmer times have left for sunnier climates. Anything left in the shadow of a sunless sky is rendered drab by the unending gloom of rain. Now that West … read more

Farmhouse Restoration
Cover Feature

Farmhouse Restoration

Bainbridge Island landmark stays true to its roots

After months of deliberation and dozens of drive-by trips, a young couple decided to follow their hearts. They stopped the car and fastened a note to the mailbox of the old farmhouse. “We’re looking for a place to raise a family,” the note … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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