Tag: décor

Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop

Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop — An Experience to Inspire

If you’ve driven along the Hood Canal between Union and Hoodsport, you’ve probably noticed the cute, bluish-gray building with white trim and a white picket fence on the water side of the highway, just a short distance west of Alderbrook Resort and the … read more

(Photo courtesy Dennis Jacobson)

Magical Rocky Beach Retreat

Back in the ’50s, Dennis Jacobson’s family vacationed in a rented cabin less than a mile down the road from the retirement home where he and his wife, Betty, live. He knew then he wanted to live right on the water someday. As … read more

Amy D'Apice

Artist Amy D’Apice — Connecting Places, People and Memories

Bainbridge artist Amy Williams D’Apice is a self-described gypsy. A pixie whirlwind of Jersey accent (she was born in Gloucester City, the eighth in a family of nine children), peripatetic in where she calls home and in her work as an artist and … read more


(Photo courtesy LP Outdoor Building Solutions)

Guide to Creating a Cozy Shed

Seven Steps to Transform Your Storage Space

While sheds are primarily considered a storage space, they’re more and more being thought of as an extension of your livable space — where you can relax and unwind. But how do you take a shed from serving as a place to store … read more


Home Drive-In Movies

What You Need for Showing Summer Movie Nights in Your Own Backyard

Looking for a way to get the most out of your summer evenings? Make it a night at the drive-in at home! With the right equipment and planning, you can easily enjoy your favorite movies under the stars, right in your own backyard. … read more

Creative Kitchens
Design|Build 2018B

Creative Kitchens

The kitchen is a cornerstone in any home. It’s where we cook dinner and where we gather with friends and family for holidays. Everyone wants a beautiful kitchen, but remember, this is a functional space, as well. Choose finishes and materials that will … read more

Front garden water feature

The Garden of Peggy and Bill Fox

The power of a well-designed landscape is magical. But the long, narrow piece of grassy land sloping quickly toward the waterfront offered little magic to the imagination of Peggy and Bill Fox when they first laid eyes on the property in 1987. The … read more


Kitchen drawer

How to Bring Order to Your Home Office and Creative Spaces

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from “Simple Organizing: 50 Ways To Clear the Clutter” published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon. Used by permission. When you’re organizing, here’s a simple formula to follow: Less stuff equals more time. This is especially true … read more

Fuchsia baskets getting ready for Mother’s Day
Spotlight on Independent Nurseries

The Brothers Greenhouses

The canaries know it’s spring at the Brothers Greenhouses, located on SW Victory Drive in Port Orchard. For more than 15 years, birds have resided in this retail nursery attached to working greenhouses. Oscar was one of the original birds, earning that name … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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