Tag: décor


luxury bathroom

Remodel with Universal Design in Mind

Local code ensures new construction homes and renovation projects reflect the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Universal design, on the other hand, does more than make living spaces more accessible for those with disabilities. It expands on regulations to create more … read more

The Garden of Bill and Arlene West

A Garden of Exceptional Skill and Imagination

The mystical, magical garden created by Arlene and Bill West inspires awe and an explosion of ideas in the minds of all who visit. Solutions for gardening in “next-to-impossible” places, intermingled with expressive, original and imaginative garden art could fill a book. Here … read more



‘Backyarding’ Trends to Watch in 2022

“Backyarding,” the trend to move indoor activities outdoors that was made popular during the pandemic, is here to stay and will continue to expand this year, according to the TurfMutt Foundation, an environmental education and stewardship program that encourages outdoor living and caring … read more

Design Trends 2022

Design Trends in 2022

Advice from West Sound Design Experts

Every year, we gather our panel of design experts to discuss some of the hottest design trends. In 2022, expect to see natural-looking finishes, natural materials like wood, and more recycled and upcycled choices for the environmentally conscious. Comfort is the key for … read more

The Gentlemen Gardeners

The Gentlemen Gardeners

Two “gentlemen gardeners” maintain a delightful garden at their home on Bainbridge Island. Jim Stokes and Roland Mitlohner didn’t become active gardeners until after retirement, although they both had gardening in their blood from an early age. Mitlohner, who grew up in Czechoslovakia … read more

Disney Dream Home

Considering Dream Homes

When is a dream home not a dream home? This sounds like a rhetorical question but in the case of Bob and Heyjin Disney, it’s relevant. Their company, Disney and Associates, builds approximately 25 luxurious, semicustom houses a year. So for Bob Disney, … read more

Coleus Terra Nova ‘Peach Julep’ (Photo courtesy of Terra Nova Nurseries)

New Year, New Plants, New Joy

“She sprouted love like flowers, grew a garden in her mind, and even on the darkest days, from her smile the sun still shined.” ~ Erin Hanson January is not just about resolutions. It is the beginning of a new year, new plants … read more

Augusta Asberry

A Jewel Tucked Away From View

This is not an “Amy’s One Painting,” nor is this even a painting. It’s a public art feature by Augusta Asberry. Have you seen it? Of course you haven’t. It’s public art that the public does not see, for it’s located in the … read more

CVG Show

CVG Show Marks 15th Year

Collective Visions Gallery in Bremerton will host its annual CVG Show from Jan. 22 to Feb. 25. Now in its 15th year from this is one of the most prestigious juried art shows in the state and invites artists from all over Washington … read more

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