Tag: culture


Suquamish Check Presentation

Suquamish Tribe Donates $10,000 to Backpacks for Kids Food Program

At a ceremony with Port Orchard Mayor Rob Putaansuu, leaders from the Suquamish Tribe presented Tish VanRavenhorst, founder of the Backpacks for Kids Food Program, with a $10,000 check that will allow the program to deliver more than 1,800 backpacks filled with food … read more


girl painting

How to Build Creativity in Children — Online and Offline (Part 1)

Creativity is a fundamental building block of our humanity. It’s the relentless engine that’s driven progress since the dawn of time and propelled us toward so many of our greatest achievements, from democracy and Darwinism to the Mona Lisa and the moon landing. … read more

Chiumbi Gorilla Lodge
Travel Bug

The Mountain Gorillas of Uganda — A Trek of a Lifetime

The mountains of Uganda and Congo bring to mind Hollywood stories like “King Kong” and “Gorillas in the Mist.” Known as the impenetrable jungle, this region makes trekking through dangerous and impossible without a guide. The 1988 film about the life of conservationist … read more


"Americans" at the National Museum of the American Indian is available online. (Photo: © Paul Morigi/AP for the National Museum of the American Indian)

Things to Do This Summer: Make a (Virtual) ‘Visit’ to the Smithsonian

If you are looking for new things to this summer do while staying home or social distancing, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian has you covered. The museum has lots of free content available for both adults and kids, including digital … read more

Collective Visions Gallery, Bremerton

West Sound’s Co-Op Art Galleries Feature Collective Talent

Historically, co-operative art galleries have served two functions: as a small-town network for local artists and as an alternative to the established, more conservative artworld. The still-active Carmel Art Association in the California village of Carmel was founded in 1927 to provide support … read more

Pagoda in Bagan
Travel Bug

The Three Shining Jewels of Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar. A country with over 3,500 years of history, much of it war-torn and bloody, sits cradled in the elbow between India, China, Thailand and the Andaman Sea. Closed to the outside world for much of the past century following a century of … read more



Celebrate ‘Women of Power’ with Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra

I have never been more excited about programming and performing a concert than this! “Women of Power” celebrates three wonderful composers and their life’s greatest achievements. Their accomplishments are particularly impressive in light of the obstacles career-minded women encountered in fields dominated by … read more

Tropical Livingston on the Carribean
Travel Bug

Central America’s Diamond in the Rough — Discovering Guatemala

Colorful and shy Mayan women go about their day, much the same way they have for centuries in Guatemala. Within the country, there are 21 indigenous groups, many existing in traditional style. But look around and you find a more modern Mayan/Spanish ethnic … read more

The Panama Canal
Travel Bug

The Panama Canal — World’s Greatest Shortcut

You don’t need to be an engineer or construction worker or sea merchant to appreciate it. In fact, it’s just as fascinating for its historic, geologic and economic attributes. The Panama Canal is one of the ultimate modern-day structures of the world, and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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