Tag: craftsmanship

(Photo courtesy Eric Morgensen)

Bremerton’s Art Deco Buildings a Nod to a Different Era

At first glance, it’s their exterior colors that make them distinct: the cobalt blue of Bremerton’s Pacific Planetarium, Admiral Theatre’s color scheme of empire gold and rockwood red, and pale yellows of the city’s downtown library. Then it’s their lines — curves, sculptured … read more

Eleven Winery

Eleven Winery — ‘Built to do Good’

“A treasure in a bottle” is a common phrase used by a wine club member to describe the wines that are produced by Eleven Winery, a treasure in itself found on Bainbridge Island. Eleven wines are the product of a rare combination of … read more


Small Home Downsizing
Downsizing, Part 3

How to Prepare Your New, Downsized Space

Now that you’ve decided you want to downsize into a smaller home and have put some thought into how to purge the things you don’t need, you need to think about how your new, downsized space will look. Preparing for this new space … read more

Northwest Maritime Center

Community Creates World-Class Facility — Northwest Maritime Center

Port Townsend is a small city, with a population around 10,000. Founded in 1851 on the water of Puget Sound in Jefferson County, it has an energy found in very few other cities in the state. The city has always been known for … read more

“A house is made of wood and stone but a home is made of love, alone.”
Cover Feature

Arch Meets Soul — A Wollochet Water View to Call Home

A magnificent vista to Mount Rainier inspired Kathy and Dave Nims to purchase their property without ever having stepped foot on it. That leap of faith was well worth the effort. This view served as inspiration for architect David Fisher and contractor Tom … read more

Soulful Art

Soulful Art

Artist Tells Stories, Shares Native Heritage through Basket...

The hand-stenciled sign on Annette Fourbears’ small Indianola studio says, simply, “Baskets.” That’s definitely an understatement because this multifaceted artist also paints, sculpts and writes poetry. One of her most-visible public artworks is the 17-foot “Wheel Totem Pole” in Ventura, California, that the … read more

Evocative of a Schoolhouse

Evocative of a Schoolhouse

A legacy of love, life and learning spans...

In the historic community of Grapeview, it can be hard to find your way around the first time you visit. Lots of tiny dirt roads finger off from the main road, featuring funny names that are often nearly identical. It nods to the … read more

Wilsonart laminate counter (back wall) in Asteroid 9214CM (Photo courtesy Wilsonart)
Design|Build 2017

Solid as a Rock — Tips on Selecting the Best Countertop for Your Project

Countertops are the workhorse of both the kitchen and bathroom. They are used for a myriad of tasks including preparing food, paying bills and doing homework, serving buffet food, holding small appliances, facilitating daily hygiene routines and more. They are subjected to a … read more


Spirit of Horse Gallery

A Visit to SkyeLandeSea Farm is an Immersion in Magic

To visit Spirit of Horse Gallery at SkyeLandeSea Farm is to immerse yourself in artful magic. It is a result not only of planning but also of minds open to serendipitous revelations. A pair of ancient, carved Tibetan temple lions acknowledge your arrival. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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