Tag: craftsmanship

Phoenix Design South

The Art and Science of Phoenix Design South’s Etched Glass

Around Belfair, it’s still called Hippie Hill Community. Some old friends and the price of the land drew glass artist Randy Calm and his wife, Cathy, from Chicago to Hippie Hill nearly 47 years ago. Then, there were 13 homesteading families and no … read more

Little Garden

The Garden and Home of Joanne and Chuck Little

The heart of this story started 33 years ago with a young couple who fell in love with the expansive water and Olympic Mountain views from a 2-acre property on Bainbridge Island. Chuck and Joanne Little turned it from a summer home into … read more

Kitchens Galore
Design|Build 2017

Kitchens Galore

With elements like Wi-Fi-connected appliances, intelligent food devices and new cooking methods, the kitchen has a lot of potential in the tech world. Even with all of the technology, a new kitchen still has to take into account the finishes and materials that … read more

Art in Residence
Cover Feature

Art in Residence

In the hands of Mike and Diana Kingsley,...

When it comes to interior design, Diana Bennett Wirtz Kingsley wrote the book. Really. An artist and holder of a master’s degree in interior design, Kingsley authored “Hand Drafting for Interior Design” during her years of teaching at the Art Institute of Seattle. … read more

Where Does Art Go?

Where Does Art Go?

Disposing of art is a sensitive subject. Having too much “stuff” can be quite a dilemma — but having too much art, unwanted art or art that doesn’t fit the décor is really a dilemma, because just the word “art” connotes a certain … read more


Doug Woodside, builder of the Big Chairs of Kingston

New ‘Big Chairs’ Pop Up Around Kingston

“It makes me feel like a child again!” Susan Rodgers smiles as she talks about sitting in one of the big Adirondack chairs that seem to be multiplying around Kingston. You can’t miss the “Big Chairs” if you walk off the ferry or … read more

Kimmel Family Forever Home

A New Day for a Century-Old Cabin

A vintage Lemolo beach retreat lies at the...

In 1920, fishermen dangling a line along the shoreline between Poulsbo and Agate Pass may have noticed a neat little beach cabin standing alone in the quiet shelter of Lemolo’s Brauer Cove. The tiny dwelling was standard for its day, little more than … read more

Tuffeted headboard from Best Quality Furniture

Trends in Home Décor

Products featured at the Vegas Winter Market 2017

Similar to several metropolitan cities, the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, has a dedicated design center — the World Market Center. What is a bit more unique about the Vegas design center is that it hosts two annual “showcase markets” for launching the … read more


Small House Downsizing
Downsizing, Part 4

Final Touches and the Big Move to Your Smaller Space

You have made the decision to downsize, sorted all your stuff, gotten rid of loads of things, and planned for your new space. Now it is time to put the final touches on and actually move. Even though you have carefully planned your … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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