Tag: construction

Sophisticated Farmhouse

A Sophisticated Farmhouse

This sleek, contemporary farmhouse challenges ideas of home and takes one on a journey of discovery. The owners are as unusual as their custom home — a corporate couple who traveled the world for business and pleasure and lived in several countries. Their … read more



Greener by Nature: The Sustainable Advantages of Redwood

Homeowners today embrace sustainable choices for their homes as a matter of fact. What was pigeonholed as a privileged choice even a decade ago has grown more accessible, both in terms of price and availability. What many people may not realize is that … read more

Outdoor Remodeling

Outdoor Remodeling — More than Just a Barbecue

How to Plan and Execute an Outdoor Remodel

For many Pacific Northwest residents, cooking and entertaining outdoors is comfortable and feasible for much of the year. Sitting around a fire-pit in late October with friends is one of the greatest pleasures of fall — and who doesn’t love a barbecue turkey … read more


Remodeling Safety

Planning for Safety in Your Remodeling Project

It’s exciting to think about a remodeling project and all the fun things you will do. And while safety is not something that most people would say is unimportant, you’d be surprised at how many ways safety can become an issue. A first … read more

Small, rustic cabin house
Living Small in an Oversized World

Would You Like to Live in a ‘Tiny House’?

From the Wall Street Journal to cable television hit shows, “tiny homes” are a very hot topic — and for very good reasons. However, the interest in tiny homes far outpaces the current supply of these homes. A loose definition of a tiny … read more

First-class Décor

Home Elevates Secondhand Acquisitions to First-class Décor

Cynthia VanBuskirk of Bainbridge Island knows that when it comes to decorating a home, objects that deserve a second chance can create an impeccable first impression. For the past 10 years, VanBuskirk has haunted thrift shops and tag sales in an ongoing treasure … read more


Remodeling To Rent

Remodeling with Renting in Mind

Vacation rentals, longer-term rentals, Airbnb.com — all are ways to make some income from your home or second home. You may be looking to rent out an entire home for a long term, a separate space in your home or just a small … read more

Home Office Inspirations

Home Office Inspirations

Creating a Home Office Where You can Be...

It is funny to think of it now but in the not-too-distant past, “working from home” had a distinct (negative) stigma to it, as if there was something slovenly about it. Today, that stigma has all but evaporated, as companies large and small … read more


Builder/Remodeler or Architect

Builder/Remodeler or Architect… Which Comes First?

If you are planning to build a new home or do a major remodel, there is a natural question that should come up. Whom do I call first? A builder/remodeler or an architect (or designer)? In 28 years of building and remodeling, I … read more

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