Tag: 0009

Figs, dahlias and peaches, oh my!

Bainbridge Bounty

On a quiet street in the middle of Bainbridge Island, Darren and Kari Murphy have sprouted a garden filled with fruit trees, grapes and vegetables of all sorts. While not a rare sight, theirs exudes an underlying passion for heirloom and unusual varieties … read more

United by Music North America

Changing Lives through Music

Based in Gig Harbor, United by Music North...

It’s said that music changes lives — United by Music North America changes lives in profound ways. Based in Gig Harbor, the nonprofit organization works with musically talented people who happen to have intellectual or physical disabilities and helps them become performing musicians. … read more

Luxe Petite

Luxe Petite — A Lot of Luxury Packed into One Little Home

It started as a dare of sorts. A joke. A thought exercise, really. Joe and Judy Gates, owners of Joe Gates Construction of Poulsbo, were daydreaming. What if they built themselves a new home from the ground up? What would it look like? … read more

Salad mix

Ambergardens Provides Food for Body and Soul

Life’s journeys are unpredictable. People’s interests and talents steer them down a path that may seem pretty clear, but life will always offer up some crossroads and detours to spice things up. Laura Ambers Pittman-Hewitt started out on an artistic path, studying music … read more

Design|Build 2017

The Baths Have It

Thinking of building or remodeling? Now is the time to make that dream bathroom a reality. You have many choices and options, bringing luxuries and new innovation to a room in your home. Sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, cabinets, lighting, flooring and more — … read more

Garden Capers
Cover Feature

Garden Capers

The Fox Island Home and Garden of Lucinda...

Some homes nestle quietly into their surroundings and appear as if they have been there for centuries. Tudor-style architecture is neither particularly rare nor common in the Northwest, and occasionally one stumbles upon a home that simply speaks to the heart. Such is … read more

Learning in the 21st Century

Worldwide Movement Spreads to West Sound

Josh Rosenberg is only in sixth grade, but he’s already decided on his dream job: He wants to work for Pixar, creating animations or effects for films like Toy Story. Which is why every chance he gets, the Hyla Middle School student spends … read more

Best of West Sound 2017

Best of West Sound Results 2017

WestSound Magazine magazine is excited to present the annual Best of West Sound results — from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor, we’ve found the businesses and places you love. Enjoy! Best Restaurant La Fermata 2205 East 11th Street, Bremerton lafermatarestaurant.com … read more

Debbie Mihali's small greenhouse produces delicious tomatoes and more all winter long.

Winter Kitchen Gardens

Keeping it Green Both Outdoors and Indoors

“Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself?” ~ Henry David Thoreau Ever since people stopped wandering and put down roots, there has been a special place set aside from which they cultivated herbs, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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