Tag: 0009

Blue Heron Jewelry
In the Loupe

Blue Heron Takes Jewelry Personally

Tanzanites blue as deep water. Opals encasing ethereal galaxies. Pearls with the sheen of a satin negligee, and diamonds that twinkle like the look in a lover’s eye. Yes, indeed. There’s something about jewels that lights up a happy place in the human … read more


Toxic Garden Plants

Dip a toe into the world of herbalism, and a whole new world will open up. Just like Alice falling through the rabbit hole and discovering an unexpected Wonderland, the quest to learn about the powerful properties of plants can open such a … read more

Succulent planter from Valley Nursery

Succulents — Coming in from the Cold

The fat, fleshy leaves of succulents evoke dry summer heat. Sometimes blushed with rosy hues that hint of a California sunset, their closely held forms murmur memories of desert light. During the sodden, short days of Pacific Northwest winters, a tabletop planter of … read more

The Lost Quill

The Lost Quill Keeps an Old Skill Alive

Long, long before word processors, computers, cellphones and inkjet printers were invented, all writing was done by hand. History was recorded by hand. Official documents and books — especially religious texts — were written with handheld pens and often beautifully embellished with richly … read more

Heyday Farm

Heyday Farm Brings Sustainable Food to the People

In the morning shade of a large, commanding horse-chestnut tree sits a bright-yellow farmhouse that greets visitors to Heyday Farm on Bainbridge Island. Right away, guests are met with beautiful flower gardens, country architecture and the smiles of staff passionate about their work. … read more

Garden to Glass

From Garden to Glass — and a Spoonful of Sugar

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. So goes the famous song, “A Spoonful of Sugar,” sung by Julie Andrews in the classic Disney movie “Mary Poppins.” Not intended to be about liqueur; however, the song hints to why liqueur … read more

La Fermata

La Fermata — A Steady Presence in the Local Food Scene

Before Bremerton’s La Fermata Restaurant opens for business in the late afternoon, locals out walking their dogs or going for a run pause to wave through the windows at owner Sam Schicker, as she goes about her front-of-the house preparations. Schicker seems to … read more

Home to Bainbridge

Around the World and Home to Bainbridge

A world-traveling couple has made home their favorite...

Been there, experienced that. When it comes to seeing the world, Lin Wyncoop and Kevin Compton of Bainbridge Island have built careers on it. Decades of flying with major international airlines, combined with a love of adventure, have taken the couple to all … read more

A holiday is always a good excuse for a party.

Time to Throw a Party

You are invited! Please join us as WestSound Home and Garden takes a look at the joys and challenges of entertaining. With a bit of preplanning and some sage advice from our entertaining experts, throwing a party can be as much fun for … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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