Tag: 0006


Start Your Winter-Blooming Garden

Color in the garden does not have to end when the skies turn gray and rainy. Some gardeners even like the challenge of having something blooming or showing color 12 months a year. Here are three very reliable plants that can get you … read more

Why Farmers Markets are So Popular

Why Farmers Markets are So Popular

Isn’t it interesting that the most iconic symbol of one of the leading technology centers in the world is a farmers market? No one would argue that the Pike Place Market in Seattle is the most famous landmark and the biggest tourist attraction … read more

Festuca glauca (Elijah Blue) Blue Fescue

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Bats • Planting Ornamentals • Become a Master...

Bats Eat Insects Galore Bats were a topic in this column in fall of 2008. Since a horribly devastating disease called “white nose syndrome” or WNS is decimating bat populations nationwide, it’s appropriate to revisit information about one of nature’s most awesome weapons … read more

Water-Smart Gardening

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Water-Smart Gardening • What's Up for Kids •...

Water-Smart Gardening July and August bring some of the best weather in West Sound. Some local folks like to say that summer begins on July 5 each year. But that hasn’t been the case this year, as we’ve had many summery days. Local … read more


An iridescent blue orchard mason bee (Photo by Brian Buckner Photography)

The Top 10 Ways to Make Your Community Bee-Loved (Mason Bees, Part 3)

Editor’s note: Now that we know the benefits of mason bees, here’s what we can do to make West Sound bee-friendly. This is an excerpt from “Mason Bee Revolution: How the Hardest Working Bee Can Save the World One Backyard at a Time,” … read more


Made from Scratch Life

Making Your Own (Simple) Household Cleaners from Scratch

Many of today’s cleaning products, from what we use to clean our homes to our bodies, contain dangerous chemicals. We shouldn’t have to worry about what we’re using to clean things as much as the items we’re cleaning. The pioneers didn’t have aisles … read more


Young apples are protected with nylon footies from apple maggot and coddling moth.

Protecting Your Harvest from Wildlife in Your Backyard

Gardening for wildlife is a satisfying focus for a gardener, knowing that your efforts benefit not only the human caretakers of a landscape, but provide habitat and nourishment for many creatures. What is better than seeing a hummingbird pushing upward on every fuchsia … read more


Homemade strawberry sorbet
In the Market Now

Make the Most of the Strawberry Season

One of the benefits of eating local is being able to access produce at its very freshest, finest peak. Glistening like giant rubies and tasting like sweet bursts of fruity goodness, strawberries herald the season of summer fruits. The earliest local fruit crop … read more

Get The Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Pruning, Mulching, Cleaning • Farmers Markets • Lawns...

May and June are perfect months to get out into the garden. It’s not too hot and not too cold, and just right for gardening. Pruning, Mulching and Cleaning Up If you planted tulip and daffodil bulbs last winter, be sure to let … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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