Tag: 0002

Kitsap County Boys and Girls Canning Clubs, aboard the U.S.S. Nevada, October 25th, 1923. (Turner Photo)
WSU Kitsap Extension

Celebrating a Rich History of Outreach Education

On many a sunny, misty or downright rainy day in Kitsap County, you can see a group of kindred spirits bent over a Master Gardener (MG) demonstration garden — planting, weeding, irrigating and harvesting. They are carrying on a rich tradition of outreach … read more

WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Salmon Stewards Oct. 10, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Norm Dicks Government Center Cost: $10 Learn about salmon habitat, life cycle and species in the Puget Sound. Ecologically, traditionally and commercially important, salmon are iconic in our region and influence how we manage … read more


Skansie House, Visitor Information Center

Gig Harbor Opens Brand New Visitor Center in Historic Waterfront Home

In 2002, following the death of Gig Harbor pioneers Antone and Vincent Skansie, the city of Gig Harbor acquired the historic waterfront Skansie Brothers home and property located in the heart of downtown. For 12 years, the park surrounding the house was improved … read more


Late summer border bloomers, upright sedum and Japanese Anemone

A Few Tasks for the Dog Days of a Summer Garden

As you stroll through the garden in the heat of the day, plants don’t seem to have that oomph they had in the spring. Some say it’s just too hot to garden and are waiting for fall planting time to even think about … read more


Silver Salmon

Tips for Successful Salmon Fishing

Through summer and into fall, salmon begin their annual migrations to their natal streams for spawning. July and August angling is focused on chinook (kings) and coho (silvers) and in odd numbered years, pinks (humpies). Being an even-numbered year, pinks are not available … read more


Untreated teak furniture, left outdoors, turned to a silvery-gray color.

How to Restore Indoor Teak Furniture — Part 2

It is best to leave outdoor teak tables, chairs and benches unfinished and sanded to weather to a beautiful silvery-grey color (as shown in this photo). But if your indoor teak furniture, especially a table top, has been exposed to sunlight for several … read more


Rain Garden

Rain Gardens Add Beauty and Function to Your Yard

Homeowners can receive financial and technical assistance through...

Controlling storm-water runoff is a necessity for your home and your yard, but it’s sometimes relegated to that dreaded list of outdoor chores. But what if adding an efficient runoff system meant the addition of a beautiful garden at the same time? That’s … read more

Tom Nordly

Unsung Hero — Tom Nordlie

Resident of Poulsbo • Married to Kathy •...

Tom Nordlie has been an instrumental force behind Poulsbo’s Fish Park. The property, once part of a Suquamish tribe retreat area, had been owned at different times by Weyerheuser and Quadrant Homes. The site was slated to be developed into a retail/business park. … read more


2015 Lexus NX Compact Luxury-Utility

All-New 2015 Lexus NX Compact Luxury-Utility Offers Choice of Turbo or Hybrid Power

In 1998, Lexus created the luxury-utility crossover segment with the debut of the original midsized RX, and is looking to take the lead again the growing compact segment with the all-new 2015 NX. Following the route of the Lexus GS and IS sedans, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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