Tag: 0002


smoked steak

Recipes for a Smokin’ Father’s Day

If the surge in barbecue and smoking competitions across the country is any indication, grilling has become an art form. This Father’s Day, grab dad and gather around the grill to try a technique that’s rising in popularity — smoking — and create … read more


Bacon Cheeseburgers with Kentucky Bourbon Sauce

Start the Grilling Season Right with these Bacon Cheeseburgers

According to New York Times best-selling cookbook author Jamie Purviance, one of the top trends in barbecue today is a movement toward more individual expression. “It used to be that barbecue styles were determined by regions, but in our internet-connect, melting-pot nation, those … read more


Asparagus simmering in shallow skillet
In the Market Now

Spring Tonics (Delicious Asparagus, that is)

Fleshy, green and succulent, asparagus is the ultimate spring vegetable. Known for its cleansing diuretic properties for centuries and once only available in spring, it has become a year-round favorite on American tables. Early culinary records indicate asparagus, which is a native of … read more

The Wine Cabinet — Choosing the Right Sparkling Wine

The Wine Cabinet — Choosing the Right Sparkling Wine

As the Christmas and New Year holidays approached, I started scanning the shelves of local stores for Champagne and sparkling wines. My goal is to decide which of the many available options are great choices for dinners we plan with family and friends. … read more


Garden Nursery Plants
Gardening With Peg

How to Select Plants for Purchase

From fall into spring is a great time to purchase and add plants to our landscapes. It’s also a great time to plant up some containers. But how do you choose good, strong, healthy plants? Plant Selection The first step is deciding what … read more

Benjamin Moore released its 2016 Color of the Year — Simply White OC-117, highlighting white as a timeless and versatile design statement.

Color Trends 2016

Benjamin Moore announced its Color of the Year — Simply White OC-117. The company also unveiled Color Trends 2016, a corresponding palette of 23 colors, to illustrate how white works within the color spectrum. White transcends style, and is seen in traditional, transitional … read more


Volunteer potatoes. On the right are the potatoes from the hugelkultur bed, on the left are ones from a standard bed.

The Mystery of ‘Potato Hollow Heart’

I love a good mystery, and the garden provides many puzzles. Sometimes I am stumped, but it sure is satisfying when the solution presents itself! Last spring, I decided to make use of some rotting pallets we had set aside. The wood was … read more


Finished bowls

Open Studio potters support Empty Bowls event

Hungry kids? In Gig Harbor? Most people would find the idea almost unthinkable in this community of lovely homes and a glistening harbor lined with pleasure-boat marinas. The reality is a much different story, as 25 percent of the students in the Peninsula … read more


Bainbridge Symphony

Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra’s ‘Legends’ Pays Tribute to Folktales and Stories

I have a brother, Joshua, who is two and half years older than me. Like many mischievous older siblings, he was prone to dupe his younger brother (me) into doing silly things or believing tall tales. One time, my mom threw away some … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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