Tag: 0002

Alderbrook Resort and Spa
Making a Difference

The Alderbrook Resort and Spa

Located on Hood Canal, Alderbrook Resort features spacious guest rooms, a stellar marina, guest cottage accommodations, a luxurious day spa and a restaurant featuring some of the best food and wine in the region. For more than a hundred years, the Alderbrook Resort … read more


Twenty acres of marine shoreline and six acres of tidelands protected on Hood Canal north of Vinland. (Photo courtesy Jonathan Decker)

Unique Partnership Protects Hood Canal Shoreline

To implement the Hood Canal Coordination Council’s In Lieu Fee Mitigation Program, Great Peninsula Conservancy and Hood Canal Coordinating Council have teamed up to conserve, restore and protect marine shoreline and tideland habitats. Fees paid by developers as compensation for impacts to marine … read more


(Photo courtesy David Cohen)

The Creative Spirit Thrives at BARN — Are You Missing Out?

My experience with Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN) began in a tiny office behind a room full of looms on Rolling Bay. I met there with three or four other writers so we could critique each other’s drafts. Occasionally, we got a bit … read more


Buy Organic
In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 3: Top Reasons to Consider Buying Organic Meats and Poultry

Whether organically grown meat and poultry is a healthier choice for home consumers is a complex and controversial subject. There is no question that organically grown livestock and poultry can be healthier for the environment. The farming practices employed by farmers who grow … read more



Some of the Best Flowers for Beautiful Vase Displays

Spring is undoubtedly my favorite time of year. Each spring, I especially look forward to cutting fresh flowers from my yard to arrange in a vase on my kitchen windowsill or dining room table. In some ways, the finished display is like a … read more


In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 2: The Dirty Dozen and the Clean 15!

While it is the responsibility of the U.S. of Agriculture (USDA) to ensure food safety, the agency’s broad guidelines can fall short of the minute details many consumers desire. Also, due to the size and workload of the USDA, reports on the safety … read more


Book: Hanging Kokedama

Add Beauty to Your Home with the Japanese Art of Kokedama

Editor’s note: This excerpt is adapted from the newly released book, “Hanging Kokedama: Creating Potless Plants for the Home” by Coraleigh Parker. A variant of bonsai, kokedama is the Japanese art of creating potless plants using a unique soil mixture, moss and string. … read more

Rob Milroy

Unsung Hero — Rob Milroy

Volunteer Mentor and Board Chair, Communities In Schools...

Rob Milroy started volunteering in the local community after moving to Gig Harbor about six years ago. A Peninsula High School assistant soccer coach, he’s especially passionate about education — which is why, perhaps, he delivers snacks for after-school programs as part of … read more


Field ready for planting
In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 1: Fruits and Vegetables

What is the big fuss about buying organic produce and organically grown meats, as opposed to those products that are conventionally grown? Budget-conscious buyers will usually opt for the lesser-priced option, which typically, but not always, is conventionally grown. Next to price, the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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