Tag: 0001


Tips for Organizing for Major Life Changes

Organizing for uproot and upheaval is a different story from organizing for settling into a space. Preparing for big changes in your household — which can be a happy, planned event such as a child’s graduation from high school or unplanned, such as … read more


spring flowers

Usher in Springtime with 5 Simple Spring-Cleaning Tips

Welcome to springtime! The official first day of spring is March 20, but in my mind, there are two signs the season has changed. One, the first daffodil has poked its head up. Two, I have an urge to open my doors to … read more


The National Garden Bureau proclaimed 2018 the Year of the Beet.

Grow Beets for a Delightful, Healthy Treat

From its humble beginnings around the Mediterranean, the table beet (beta vulgaris) has spread to all continents of the world. Beets have been consumed in many ways: medicinally in ancient Rome, fresh (both the greens and the roots) in salads, in soups and … read more


umbrella girl

5 Tips to Keep Allergy Sufferers from Dreading Spring

From flowers poking through the ground to ditching winter parkas, it’s easy to look forward to spring. Unless, of course, you have allergies. Then, the path to warmer weather and additional daylight could be marked with watery eyes, sneezing and a runny nose. … read more



Benefits of Laughing Your Way through Life

Like clockwork, people are composing their lists of resolutions around the New Year, and at the same time they’re ending that year with some of the same problems, frustrations or worries of past years. They want to take a brighter outlook and ride … read more


Fresh Home Upgrades for Spring

Fresh Home Upgrades for Spring

After a long winter cooped up indoors, spring is the perfect time to start re-imagining your home and making upgrades that create a fresh, welcoming vibe. These project ideas — some big, some small — can help breathe new life into your home … read more


Raised beds and multipurpose potting benches can add both beauty and functionality to your patio or deck.

Take It Up a Notch Out Back — Adding Appeal to your Patio or Deck

Summer means time spent gardening and relaxing with friends. And just like the kitchen in winter, the patio or deck tends to be the gathering spot when the weather turns warm. Get the most from this space with a bit of preseason planning … read more


Solar Energy

Five Myths about Solar Panels, Debunked

Home solar panels can drastically cut or even eliminate electricity bills, reduce a home’s carbon footprint, increase resale value, and may even help a home sell faster. The cost of rooftop solar systems has fallen dramatically in recent years, and most homeowners have … read more


Style Trends

Style Trends in the New Year

Design experts typically say that trends should be considered sparingly so you don’t have to overhaul your decor every year. But watching the trends is great when you want to add personal touches and refresh your home now and then. According to a … read more

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