Tag: 0001



Tips for Creating a Pet-Friendly Family Yard for Summer Fun

People aren’t the only ones who love to spend time in the family yard during the summer months. For the family pet, the outdoor living room serves many purposes — providing a place to relax, burn off some energy, play safely with friends … read more


The B-24 Liberator, B-17 Flying Fortress and P-51 Mustang are among the aircraft that the Collings Foundation takes on tour. (Photo courtesy Collings Foundation)

Wings of Freedom Return to Bremerton National Airport with Rare Aircraft

The nonprofit Collings Foundation has the mission to preserve and exhibit rare historical artifacts and to organize “living history” events that educate Americans about their heritage through direct participation. One of its signature events is the “Wings of Freedom Tour” — and in … read more


In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 4: Seafood

When it comes to seafood, there is really no such thing as an organic label. The U.S. Department of Agriculture standard for organic labeling is based on soil treatment and organically grown feeds, so of course, those standards do not apply to water. … read more



Gift Giving Ideas for Nursing Home Residents

Finding the right gift for anybody can be tricky business — but specially when searching for something special for a friend or family member who resides at a nursing home. Although your loved one’s limited personal space may appear to be a barrier … read more


Native plants have deep root systems that allow the water to penetrate the soil surface, providing moisture to plant roots on the way to recharging groundwater.

Manage Water where it Falls for a Healthier Landscape and Environment

Too much, not enough, and never when you need it. This is a common complaint of gardeners. Keeping and using water where it falls is the first step in managing this precious resource. Planting and maintaining a healthy landscape is a good place … read more


pet therapy

Dogs Are All Ears in New Pet Therapy Reading Program

When 3-year-old golden retriever Brody walks through the halls of Minter Creek Elementary School, there is no doubt that this four-legged friend is regarded as the school’s newest “star pupil.” His arrival is greeted by happy hugs and huge smiles from both students … read more


Beer Fest

Kick Off Summer with Annual Beer Fest — and for a Good Cause

Want to try some of the best craft beer in the state, experience great local music and help a wonderful local nonprofit organization? You can accomplish all three when you attend the 7th Annual Gig Harbor Beer Festival on Saturday, May 19. Festival … read more



Call 811 before Digging for Home Improvement and Landscaping Projects

With spring having officially begun, many eager homeowners and landscape professionals across the country will roll up their sleeves and reach for their shovels to start projects that require digging this season. During the transition into “digging season,” Common Ground Alliance (CGA), the … read more



9 Reasons to Plant a Tree this Spring

Did you know that planting a tree is one of the easiest and most powerful things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment? Trees clean the air, prevent rainwater runoff, help you save energy and even combat global warming. … read more

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