People & Places

West Sound has an incredible number of talented artists, interesting people, fascinating places and popular destinations. We love to share their stories with our readers. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version to see all of what we have to offer!

A Warm and Inviting Outdoor Space

A Warm and Inviting Outdoor Space

Smoke rising from the chimney of the outdoor fireplace is often an unspoken invitation. “The big signal is when we light a fire in the afternoon and smoke curls out of the chimney — the neighbors usually know,” Donna McKamey says. “And pretty … read more

Art in Public Places
Art in Public Places

Mice are Nice… and Kitties, Too

These playful fountain sculptures by Georgia Gerber can be seen at Pleasant Beach Village on Bainbridge Island. “The Boys Night Out” fountain is one of a limited series created on spec by Gerber, a renowned Seattle artist. The other two fountains are unnamed. … read more

Summer Learning

Ideas for Parents for Promoting Children’s Summer Learning

“Summer time and the living is easy” — but parents shouldn’t make it too easy for their children to forget everything they’ve learned up to vacation time. Schooling stops during the summer but our learning should not. Many children tend to regress in … read more

Perspective on Port Madison
Cover Feature

Perspective on Port Madison

Bainbridge Island’s picturesque Port Madison Bay has drawn people to its peaceful shores since Native Americans first paddled into the deep-water harbor. Generations later, in the mid-1800s, the area became home to a bustling lumber mill with an economic impact so great that … read more

Author, Molly Gilbert

Greens & Eggs & Ham

Cleanup is probably the least enjoyable part of entertaining guests — as are elaborate recipes that keep you in the kitchen all day. “Sheet Pan Suppers,” released this past December by Workman Publishing, promises to take care of those problems. Named an essential … read more

Slaughter County Brewing Co

The Wine Cabinet — Slaughter County Brewing Co.

Before starting his Slaughter County Brewing Co., Scott Kirvan had been home-brewing for about 30 years. “That’s how I got started, and Slaughter County Brewery is my first time doing professional brewing,” he said. “‘Been doing this, at this location, for about two … read more

Finished painting, Oliver’s Bar in downtown Seattle

Artist Marti Green Creates Memories with… Art from the Heart

Contemplate one of Marti Green’s destination or landscape paintings long enough, and you’ll start making plans to visit the place. The Port Orchard artist’s work — whether in watercolor, oil or acrylic — uses vivid colors that make the paintings come to life. … read more

Faith in Action

Unsung Hero — Patti Kleist

Executive Director, Faith in Action Senior Services

Faith in Action Senior Services, based in Belfair, was founded in 2001 with the mission of supporting independent living for seniors and disabled individuals. The nonprofit provides a variety of free, volunteer-based activities such as escorted transportation, respite care, housework, yard work and … read more

Sundquist Nursery — Perennial beds in summer glory

Sundquist Nursery

Plants with Personality for Perfect Performance

Nils Sundquist of Sundquist Nursery is a consummate nurseryman. Growing plants has been his life’s work and passion since the age of 19. In fact, he could be called an aficionado of plants and all things related to horticulture. The nursery is located … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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